Bitter mouth when waking up with abdominal pain above the navel is a sign of what disease?

Hello doctor,
I have symptoms: when I wake up in the morning, I have a bitter mouth and yellow substance in my mouth, sometimes I feel restless and shiver. I have lost weight and have abdominal pain above my navel. I went to an endoscopy and was diagnosed with antral gastritis but taking medicine did not reduce much. Doctor let me ask, what is a sign of a disease when waking up with a bitter mouth with abdominal pain above the navel? Thank you doctor.
Bui Thanh Nhan (1991)
Answered by Master, Doctor Pham Thi Thu Huong - Head of Department of Internal Digestive - Hepatobiliary - Unit of Gastrointestinal - Hepatobiliary, International General Hospital Vinmec Times City.
With the question "Bitter mouth when waking up with abdominal pain above the navel is a sign of what disease? , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Based on the information described, the doctor thinks that it is likely that you have Gastroesophageal Reflux. Measures to treat gastroesophageal reflux include: Lifestyle changes, medical treatment, surgical treatment and other procedures.
Choose alkaline, acid-neutralizing foods: starchy foods such as bread or oatmeal, or easily digestible proteins, ... because these foods help avoid the erosion of the mucus layer in the skin. stomach acid, limiting esophageal sphincter rhythms with acid reflux. Limit foods that increase acid secretion or stimulate the lower esophageal sphincter: fruits with high acid content (lemon, orange, pineapple...), carbonated water, spicy, hot foods, chocolate... Necessary abstain from alcohol, coffee, tobacco. Do not wear clothes that are too tight, do not eat too much, do not eat late in the evening, do not bend for too long, do not lie down for 2 hours after eating, do not drink too much water while eating. Sleep with your head 15 cm above your feet. Lose weight if overweight or obese. In addition, if the treatment does not help, you should return to the clinic for further advice and appropriate treatment advice.
If you still have questions about a bitter taste in your mouth when you wake up, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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