Or upset stomach – is it okay?

Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Vo Thi Thuy Trang - Digestive Endoscopy Doctor, Vinmec Danang International Hospital
"What is a stomach boil?, "Is it okay to have a boil?" It's an issue that many people care about. To get the answer to this problem, please refer to the following content.
According to Doctor Vo Thi Thuy Trang - Digestive Endoscopy Doctor, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital, abdominal boiling emanating from the intestines, is a signal that food is being contracted and digested. The cause of stomach or stomach boiling can be due to:
When feeling hungry; Eating a lot of foods that cause bloating and indigestion; Eating too quickly, talking while eating or smoking; Lie down or sit immediately after eating; The belly is too tight; In addition, or stomach bloating can also come from pathological causes such as:
Stress when eating; Disorders of intestinal microflora; Symptoms of diarrhea, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, food or beverage allergies, gastrointestinal bleeding, mechanical obstruction and irritable bowel syndrome. Usually, the stomach is often boiling and does not affect health much. However, if you often experience this condition, visit your doctor to know what the cause is and have the appropriate remedy.

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