Note when using antidote to treat itching

What to drink to detoxify the liver is a question many people have when they have an itch and think that itching is a manifestation of a toxic liver. At that time, patients often look for liver detox drinks or liver detoxifiers to treat itching. However, what should be kept in mind when using an antidote to treat itching to ensure safety and effectiveness?

1. Why does a toxic liver cause itching?

In the body, the liver performs the task of metabolizing and eliminating toxins out. This function of the liver can be affected and impaired by a number of factors. When liver function is impaired, toxins are more difficult to be eliminated outside and accumulate in the liver, making the liver toxic and causing symptoms such as itching, urticaria, boils,...

2. Causes of liver toxicity and itching

Here are the factors that make the liver toxic and cause itching:
Diet high in saturated fat, consuming too much fast food, processed food: Fast food or processed food is Foods that contain large amounts of preservatives, if consumed in large quantities, can cause the liver to work harder to be able to eliminate these toxic substances. At that time, liver function can be affected and impaired. Besides, consuming a lot of fat can cause fatty liver, cirrhosis, making the metabolism and elimination of toxins in the liver affected. Diets lacking in fiber, vitamins and minerals: People who tend to eat a lot of fat also often limit fiber in their meals. When there is a lack of fiber and vitamins and minerals, the liver is very susceptible to heat and inflammation. In addition, constipation due to less fiber intake also affects liver function because toxins accumulate in the body. Frequent stress, anxiety, pressure: Blood pressure increases when the body is constantly facing stress, anxiety and pressure. At that time, blood flow to the liver is reduced and liver function declines. Over time, it can damage the liver and trigger liver diseases such as hepatitis. Working too hard, staying up late: From 11 pm to 1 am is the time when the liver performs the task of eliminating toxins when the body goes to sleep. However, staying up late regularly can cause the liver to overwork and produce toxins, damage the liver and cause liver diseases such as hepatitis. Regular use of stimulants and alcohol: Excessive consumption of stimulant drinks such as beer and wine can cause liver enzymes to rise, the liver has to work harder to eliminate toxins. At that time, the risk of liver diseases also increases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, ...

3. Symptoms of itching due to hepatotoxicity

Manifestations after taking an antidote to the liver may be encountered:
Sudden itching, small red, pink patches on the skin, then spread. Itching when the ambient temperature changes, going to the wind,... Tingling in the face, back, hands and feet,... Urticaria, thick papules.

4. Note when using antidote to treat itching

Today, when medical information in general, specifically liver disease in particular, becomes popular and accessible, many people know that if there are symptoms of itching like above, it may be a sign of liver infection. poison. At that time, patients often find themselves buying some liver antidote to relieve symptoms of itching. However, the use of liver antidote for itching should be noted:
Before buying oral medicine, the patient should visit or consult a doctor, do not arbitrarily use drugs to treat liver disease that the doctor has prescribed. doctor did not specify. You must take the medicine in the right dose, at the right time, and at the right time as directed by your doctor. Carefully read the information and instructions before taking liver antidote for itching, especially over-the-counter liver detoxifiers. In addition to using antidote to the liver, patients should note that in combination with the following measures to support and enhance liver function, so that the use of liver antidote to treat itching is effective, that is:
Eat science Nutrition, complete and balanced nutrition: Patients need to choose and include in their diet foods rich in fiber such as green vegetables and fruits, and at the same time, limit fast, greasy, and high-fat foods. processed products and many preservatives. Besides, also increase the consumption of foods that have "cooling the liver" and treat itching such as bitter melon, corn silk, etc. At the same time, provide enough water for the body, which can be supplemented with various types of supplements. Drinking water detoxifies the liver, cools the liver such as gotu kola juice, lettuce, ... Limiting agents that affect liver function: Stimulants such as tobacco, alcohol, alcoholic beverages, tuberculosis Excessive activity, often staying up late, stress, ... are factors that damage the liver. It is necessary to limit these factors by living in moderation, resting, ... to be effective when taking anti-hepatic drugs to treat itching. Health check and do not arbitrarily use drugs: When having strange symptoms, patients should visit medical facilities to be checked for health and prescribed medication to treat the right disease. Avoid buying and taking medication on your own because there are some drugs that can harm the liver. For the safe and effective use of antidote for itching, patients need to consult a doctor before taking, as well as take the drug in full dose, use the drug properly, and combine eating, sleeping and sleeping. study to enhance liver function.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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