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36 weeks pregnant, does the length of the femur 62mm have any effect?
I am 36 weeks pregnant with my first child. I went for a check-up and the results showed that my biparietal diameter was 89mm, my weight was 2.7kg, and my femur length was 62mm. Before that, I went for a check-up at 34 weeks and my weight was 2.4kg and my femur length was also 62mm. The doctor said that my femur length was short compared to my gestational age. Today, at 36 weeks, it is still only 62mm, which makes me very worried. No one in my family is dwarf, I am 1m67, and my baby's father is 1m78. So, doctor, can you tell me if a 36-week pregnancy with a femur length of 62mm has any effect?
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Is it normal for an embryo to be absent at 6 weeks of pregnancy?
My fetus is about 6 weeks old, with a gestational sac measuring (GS) 10 mm, a layer of fluid measuring 6 mm, and a yolk sac measuring 5 mm. However, there is no embryo yet. Is it normal for a fetus of this age to not have an embryo?
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Can I get pregnant after having sex with ejaculating outside and washing the genital area?
I had a cesarean section 1 month and 14 days ago. Recently, I had sexual intercourse, and after my partner ejaculated outside, I washed my genital area. I would like to know if there is a possibility of getting pregnant after having sex in this manner. Given that I am only 1 month and 14 days post-delivery, is it safe for me to take emergency contraceptive pills? Thank you for your guidance.
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Is unprotected sex with a prostitute dangerous?
Two months ago, I had unprotected sex with a prostitute because I was very drunk at that time, and I am extremely anxious. Doctor, can you tell me if having unsafe sex with a prostitute is dangerous? Thanks for giving the information.
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What does vaginal flatulence (gas) during intercourse or menstruation indicate?
Hello Doctor, I frequently experience vaginal gas during sexual intercourse or menstruation, even though I have never given birth. I would like to know if this discharge of vaginal gas during intercourse or menstruation could be a sign of any underlying condition. I only have sex about once every six months, so I am seeking advice on how to address this issue. Thank you, Doctor.
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How Long Should You Wait to Resume Sexual Intercourse After Cervical Polyp Removal Surgery?
I would like to ask how long I should wait after cervical polyp removal surgery before resuming sexual intercourse. Thank you, doctor.
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How to treat vaginal flatulence after giving birth?
After giving birth to my first child, I often experience flatulence from my vagina. Can you advise me on how to treat vaginal flatulence after giving birth? Should I see a doctor? Thank you!
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Is persistent lower abdominal pain one-month post-abortion a cause for concern?
Last month, I was pregnant but had a miscarriage at 7 weeks and underwent a termination of pregnancy (TOP). During that time, my husband and I had sexual intercourse. Currently, it has been a little over a month, and I have been maintaining a healthy diet and taking traditional herbal medicine daily. Suddenly, today I started experiencing persistent lower abdominal pain, which worsens upon standing and improves when lying down. I would like to ask if it is normal to have persistent lower abdominal pain one month after an abortion. Thank you.
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What disease causes a 3-year-old girl to have a vaginal odor with white discharge?
My daughter just turned 3 years old and she has a vaginal odor like an adult, and sometimes there's even white discharge. Doctor, could you please tell me what condition this could be? How should I take care of her private area? I would appreciate your advice. Thank you, doctor.
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Could delayed menstruation due to vaginitis?
I recently went for a check-up and was diagnosed with vaginitis. However, I am experiencing a delayed menstrual cycle, although I still have symptoms like breast pain. I would like to ask if the delay in my period could be due to the vaginitis. Thank you, Doctor.
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