Vinmec Research Institute of Stem cell and Gene Technology
Vinmec Research Institute of Stem cell and Gene Technology
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Institute of Stem Cell and Genetic Technology Research
Established in October 2016, the Vinmec Research Institute of Stem Cell and Gene Technology is the first specialized research institute within the Vinmec Healthcare System. It is strategically focused on biomedical research, pioneering the application of cell and gene therapies in treating incurable diseases and promoting proactive healthcare to enhance the quality of life for all.
Mastery of technologies stem cells

Technology for culturing mesenchymal stem cells from various sources (bone marrow, umbilical cord, adipose tissue) in serum-free conditions and excluding animal-derived factors: Granted 02 Exclusive Patents for Utility Solutions.

Industrial-scale mesenchymal stem cell culture technology using multilayer culture and automated systems with a maximum capacity of up to 4 billion cells per production cycle.  

Technology for culturing mesenchymal stem cells in hypoxic conditions and producing secretomes from these cells through cell induction under hypoxic conditions  

Technology for producing secretomes from mesenchymal stem cells to support clinical trial applications.

Autologous immune cell (T and NK) culture technology to support cancer treatment

CAR-T cell production technology for hematological cancer therapy 

Research on the application of stem cells

Implemented 18 clinical trial research projects to demonstrate the initial safety and efficacy of cell therapy in treating incurable diseases. Initial results are very promising:

Completed Phase 2 study using bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells for treating autism in children. The quality of life for autistic children improved positively post-transplant.  

Successfully concluded governmental-level research projects using bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells for treating cerebral palsy, with over 90% of transplanted patients showing improved motor function.

Completed Phase 1 studies demonstrating the safety of mesenchymal stem cells in treating diseases such as type 1 diabetes, hormone deficiency in men/women, stroke, traumatic brain injury, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary dysplasia, and anti-aging/rejuvenation in treating health decline in the elderly. Phase 2 trials are ongoing to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy.

Implemented a key project utilizing CAR-T therapy in the treatment of hematological cancers. Initial results show complete remission in 87% of patients following CAR-T cell infusion. This represents the most advanced therapy proven effective in treating acute leukemia and lymphoma, offering new hope for patients unresponsive to conventional treatment protocols.  

Performed hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for patients with hematological cancers, thalassemia, primary immunodeficiency, etc., achieving a high success rate.

Developing gene therapy using CRISPR/Cas9 technology in Thalassemia treatment, marking itself the first gene editing project on stem cells in Vietnam. Successfully implementing the project will build Vinmec Research Institute of Stem Cell and Gene Technology as one of the few centers worldwide capable of applying this complex technology in human disease treatment.


International Partnership

Signed cooperation agreements with leading universities, research institutes, and companies worldwide, such as Keele University (UK), Karolinska Institute (Sweden), Miltenyi Biotec (Germany), San Raffaele Hospital (Italy), Taipei Veterans General Hospital (Taiwan - China), LumiSTAR Biotechnology (Taiwan - China), Rohto Pharmaceutical Company (Japan), and Stanford University (USA), etc. 

Development direction

By 2030, aim to develop into a leading research institute in Vietnam and the region in research and application of cell and gene therapies for disease treatment:

Apply for approval from the Ministry of Health to provide cell therapy services for treating autism, anti-aging, and female hormone deficiency within the Vinmec Healthcare System.

Research on improving CAR-T to reduce costs and enhance treatment efficiency; expand the provision of CAR-T to other centers/hospitals in Vietnam.

Continue to promote Phase 2 clinical trials to evaluate the efficiency of stem cells therapy for treating diseases/rejuvenation.

Develop therapies using extracellular vesicles (EVs) from stem cell for aesthetic purposes and disease treatment

Manufacture mesenchymal stem cells and secretomes using convenient product manufacturing methods to make cell products more accessible to patients

Establish new research directions for using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural cells in disease treatment, CAR-T cells for solid tumor treatment, CAR-T for autoimmune diseases treatment, gene editing for Thalassemia treatment, and 3D printing technology in organ regeneration, and more.

Scientific publications

Published 50 scientific papers in reputable international journals, with an average impact factor (IF) > 5, including notable publications in journals with IF up to 38. Some standout publications include:

The first successful treatment worldwide for two cases of premature twins with pulmonary fibrosis using allogeneic cord blood stem cell transplantation.

The first successful treatment worldwide for a patient with autoimmune encephalitis resulting in cerebral palsy using allogeneic cord blood stem cell transplantation.

Largest study on the Vietnamese genome, providing a reference basis for numerous biomedical studies and contributing to addressing various health issues among the Vietnamese population.

Publish a book on Cell Therapy in Regenerative Medicine by renowned global publisher Springer Nature. Expected publication in 2024.  

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