Associate Professor. Dr. Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Huong has many years of participation in teaching and research, practical applications in the field of medical genetics: Training medical genetics graduate students, Editor and compiler of textbooks on genetics medicine, many awards in scientific research.
Currently, Associate Professor. Dr. Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Huong is holding the position of Genetic Expert working at Vinmec High-Tech Center.
- Genetic examination and counseling
- Genetic counseling: Prenatal diagnostic screening, genetic diagnosis before embryo transfer, screening and diagnosis of genetic diseases, cancer, etc.
- Training on medical genetic testing techniques - cytogenetics
2002: Associate professor
1984-1987: Studying and defending successfully the PhD of Medicine thesis in Budapest - Hungary
1976: Graduated from Hanoi Medical University
1976-2013: 1976-2013: Doctor, Lecturer, Associate Professor (2002) at the Department of Genetic Biology - Hanoi Medical University
2004-2009: Head of Department of Biomedical Genetics - Hanoi Medical University
2014 to present: Postgraduate teaching, scientific research on Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics Specialist/ Doctor at the Medical Genetics Department, Vinmec High-Tech Center
Genetic counseling, participating in prenatal diagnosis committees at the National Obstetrics Hospital, Hanoi Obstetrics Hospital,...
Member of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Genetics Association
- 2013: Labor Medal, Class III
- 2012: State award for the project ""Research on building a Genetic counseling model for families affected by toxic chemicals during the war"" (Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Huong and 6 co-authors)
- 2011: Certificate of merit for creative labor from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor
- 2011: Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister
- 2008: Outstanding scientific work award (author group)
- 2008: The Excellent Teacher Certificate
- 2005 and 2011: Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Health
- 2004: Medal for the cause of education and people's health
- More than 70 published articles in domestic and international scientific journals
- Guided the successful defense of 4 PhDs and many masters and doctors specializing in medical genetics
- Co-editor and compiler of many undergraduate and graduate textbooks and teaching materials in the field of Medical Genetics