Home Health Blog Oncology
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Which type of cancer has the lowest survival rate?
The survival rate for cancer depends greatly on the type of cancer and the time of diagnosis. Among the six deadliest cancers, do you know which one tops the list?
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Signs of shoulder bone cancer
Shoulder bone cancer is often difficult to detect. Therefore, recognizing the signs of shoulder bone cancer in the early stages is very important for timely detection and treatment of the disease.
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Can Ultrasound Detect Stomach Cancer?
Ultrasound is a common diagnostic imaging technique used to detect a wide range of diseases, including cancer. So, can an ultrasound detect stomach cancer?
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What is the life expectancy for patients with esophageal cancer?
Esophageal cancer is a malignant disease with a high risk of death because it is often diagnosed at later stages. However, if detected early, the 5-year survival rate is greatly improved. If you wonder how long a patient with esophageal cancer can live, please read the information below.
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Symptoms of bone cancer in the knee
Knee bone cancer is a condition of abnormal, uncontrolled proliferation of bone cells in the knee area. Although rare, bone cancer often progresses silently, causing the disease to be detected at a late stage.
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