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Is a systolic blood pressure of 105 - 110 and a diastolic blood pressure of 54 - 62 normal or abnormal?
Doctor, could you please tell me if a systolic blood pressure of 105 - 110 and a diastolic blood pressure of 54 - 62 is normal or abnormal?
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What is a normal blood pressure reading after waking up?
When I woke up this morning, before getting out of bed, I measured my blood pressure in both arms. My left arm was 133/82, and my right arm was 125/81. I've read that blood pressure is usually higher when you first wake up. So, doctor, I'd like to ask, what is a normal blood pressure reading right after waking up?
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Short PR Syndrome, Symptoms, and Treatment
Doctor, could you please explain about short PR syndrome, its symptoms, and treatment methods? Thank you!
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