Home Health Blog Cardiology
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Is a blood pressure reading of 145/65 considered high blood pressure?
I am 52 years old. When I went for vaccination, my blood pressure was measured at 145/65. Doctor, is a blood pressure reading of 145/65 considered high blood pressure? Thank you for your advice.
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Can people with coronary artery disease eat eggs?
In certain cases, such as gallstone disease or diarrhea, eggs can be harmful to the body. So, can patients with coronary artery disease eat eggs? Let’s explore this issue in the article below.
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How Long Can a Patient with Dilated Cardiomyopathy Live?
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a fairly common cardiovascular disease that frequently leads to heart failure. But how dangerous is dilated cardiomyopathy, and how can it be diagnosed and treated to limit complications and improve survival rates?
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Are there remedies for heart arrhythmia at home?
Heart rate irregularities, such as faster, slower, or uneven beats, can occur due to factors like stress, dehydration, heat, deep sleep,... In such cases, you can apply some remedies to stabilize your heart rhythm at home. Let's explore what heart arrhythmia is and how to manage it effectively.
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Is it normal to experience a rapid heart rate accompanied by fatigue?
I recently had a heart physical examination because I was experiencing occasional sharp pains in my chest and a fast pulse, reaching 110 beats per minute. I also felt fatigued. During my general physical examination at the heart hospital, I underwent several tests, including an ultrasound, blood test, electrocardiogram, and stress test. The doctor concluded that everything was okay. However, I sometimes notice my heart rate increasing to 90 beats per minute during light activities, and I feel fatigued. My question is, is it normal to experience a rapid heart rate accompanied by fatigue? Thank you, doctor.
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