You will be surprised to know why the doctor turned the baby upside down after cutting the umbilical cord

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The normal newborn umbilical cord contains up to three blood vessels: 2 arteries and 1 vein. The veins in the umbilical cord carry oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the fetus, while the arteries on the umbilical cord carry oxidized blood, unhealthy waste products (such as carbon dioxide) and other waste products. The blood that has been depleted of nutrients returns to the placenta and the mother's bloodstream.

In addition to providing oxygen and nutrition, the newborn umbilical cord also transmits antibiotics when the mother takes antibiotics into the baby's body. After giving birth, the umbilical cord is no longer needed, so it will be clamped and cut off to help separate the baby completely from the mother's body.
Cutting the umbilical cord is essential to help the baby separate completely from the mother's body. Currently, there is a change in trend in cutting the umbilical cord, many mothers believe that cutting the umbilical cord slowly will help their baby be healthier and develop smarter.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, after taking the baby out of the mother's womb for cesarean section, doctors often lift the baby up, so that the baby's head is lower than the mother's belly to help the fluid in the baby's throat and mouth drain out, Thanks to that, the baby will also have a certain amount of blood transferred from the mother for 10-15 seconds. In particular, not only reverse slope, doctors also delay cutting the umbilical cord for a few seconds after giving birth. The slow cutting of the umbilical cord helps to retain the maximum amount of red blood cells and nutrients in the umbilical cord into the baby, which also helps the pregnant woman.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, 100% of babies are born with delayed umbilical cord cutting by doctors, helping to reduce the risk of anemia, increase oxygen supply, reduce the risk of brain hemorrhage and blood infection, contributing to Give your baby a good start. In particular, the father or mother will be guided by the midwives so that they can directly perform the umbilical cord cutting of the baby - the moment when relatives and mother welcome the baby to be born will become more meaningful and memorable.
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