Will X-rays and CT scans be done on the same day?

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Hello doctor! Last time I had a kidney exam and the doctor ordered an X-ray, I also took a CT scan. The doctor asked me if the X-ray and CT scan on the same day have any effect? Although the doctor said it was okay, being exposed to 2 x-rays like that made me very worried. Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hello. With the question: “Does X-ray and CT scan on the same day have any effect? , Vinmec would like to advise as follows:
In case you have been assigned to have a CT scan of your head and X-ray, the doctor has also advised that it will not affect your health, you should not be too worried.
X-rays will not be harmful to health if you know the reasonable interval of taking about 5-7 times/year. If you take X-rays twice a week, you must be prescribed by a doctor in case it is really necessary, do not arbitrarily take X-rays or abuse them.
For patients who are seriously ill and require multiple scans, modern equipment should be used to minimize and prevent the side effects of X-rays.
Thank you for trusting and sharing questions with Vinmec Health System. Best regards!

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