Will taking the missed oral contraceptive the next day work?

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1. Hello doctor, I have a question that I would like to consult. I took the first daily pill in the evening but the next night I forgot. The next morning I took 2 pills. So does it work?
Nguyen Thi Minh Thao (1987)
2. Doctor, let me ask my lover who is taking birth control pills every day, but one day forgot to take it and we had sex but the next day I took it again, can I have no baby. Thank you Pham Ngoc Hai ( 1998 )

In the process of using oral contraceptives, a woman may forget to take the pill every day for 1 day or 2 to 3 days. In this case, it should be handled according to the following principles:
If you forget to take a pill, you should take that pill when you remember; After taking the pill at the usual prescribed time. For the next 48 hours, sex should be avoided or, if sex is involved, a condom should be used. Then continue taking the pill as usual. If you forget to take 2 pills, take 2 pills 12 hours apart as soon as you remember; Take the next pill at the usual prescribed time. If you have sex, use a condom until you finish the pack. If you forget to take 3 pills, discard the pack you are taking; Avoid sex or use a condom during sex, wait until your period returns, and start a new pack of pills. This situation is considered as just starting to take the drug, the first 7 days the drug has not worked, so it is necessary to avoid sex, if having sex, use other supportive measures such as condoms or diaphragms. vagina. So, after taking the forgotten pill and not having sex or using a condom, the pill still works to prevent pregnancy.

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