Will taking birth control pills every day after unprotected sex work?

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The doctor asked me, I and my lover had sex but did not wear a condom (when I came out, I came out), after having sex, did I take birth control pills every day, so the medicine works? eh?
Anonymous customer questions
Doctor, I have some questions that I hope you can help answer. The thing is that me and my girlfriend are planning to have sex together, since this is my first time with a female friend so I want everything to be natural, so I think about daily contraception because we are too young. . I don't know that if we only use 1 pack of birth control pills and then stop, don't take the next pack, that means we only have sex during the time of using the other pack, then no longer have sex. So is it possible to prevent pregnancy, or do I have to take the next pack and stop for a few packs? I thank you and look forward to receiving help from the doctor.
Anonymous client questions
Hello doctor. I have had sex for 24 hours before taking the marvelon birth control pill, will I get pregnant? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you.
Anonymous customer question
Hello. Ejaculation is not an effective birth control method. After having unprotected sex, you should use emergency contraception instead of daily to prevent the possibility of unwanted pregnancy. However, maximum 1 month can only use no more than 2 tablets (blister form of 1 tablet); 4 tablets a month (blister form of 2 tablets). If you abuse the pill beyond the above time, the effectiveness of contraception will be reduced and may affect your reproductive health in the future.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
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