Why is it necessary to wear an elastic band when wearing braces?

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The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Khanh Nam - Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
There are many appliances used in orthodontic braces. Depending on the different requirements for each object, the dentist will choose the appropriate instrument, including inter-jaw elastic. So why wear inter-jaw elastic and what are the effects of inter-jaw elastic?

1. What is inter-function elastic?

Inter-jaw elastic is actually a dental rubber, with high elasticity, attached from the upper jaw to the lower jaw for the purpose of creating moderate traction for the teeth.

2. Why should you wear an elastic band?

The effect of wearing an inter-jaw stretcher is to realign the bite between the upper and lower jaw so that it is even, besides it also helps to pull crooked teeth, misaligned teeth or teeth that are not in the same tooth arc to the desired position. want.
When braces, thanks to the pull force of the brackets and archwire system, the teeth will be pulled to the desired position. However, at this time, the teeth are only separate in each jaw, while the principle of orthodontics also ensures that the teeth must have the correct bite between the upper and lower jaws.

Thun liên hàm giúp điều chỉnh khớp cắn giữa hai hàng
Thun liên hàm giúp điều chỉnh khớp cắn giữa hai hàng
Therefore, when wearing inter-jaw elastic, the elastic fibers will be attached to the brackets available in the upper and lower jaw and create a force to pull the teeth to the desired standard position and keep the corresponding teeth in each jaw. balanced against each other and correct bite.

3. How to wear inter-jaw elastic?

Inter-jaw elastic is a braces device that needs to be changed every day, so after being instructed by the doctor for the first time, the user needs to know how to change it each time. The way to wear an elastic band is also quite simple.
When wearing an inter-jaw elastic, if you are not proficient, please stand in front of the mirror, open your mouth and determine which tooth the doctor has attached the inter-jaw elastic before the doctor. Then, using two hands or one hand depending on your habit, pull the elastic out and put it back in the correct position that the doctor placed before.
Some notes when wearing inter-jaw elastic:
The minimum time to change the elastic band is 12 hours, every day should be changed 2-3 times to ensure elasticity and always carry the band with you to change when needed. Every time you eat, drink or brush your teeth, remove them. Take care of the hygiene of the elastic carefully, avoid placing it in a humid place. Hands should be washed thoroughly before wearing. Do not arbitrarily use 2 or more elastics at the same time because it may cause damage to the roots. Do not try to pull the elastic too tight (eg opening your mouth too wide) as this can cause loss of elasticity, elasticity and loss of effectiveness of the inter-jaw elastic.

Không nên há miệng quá to sẽ làm mất đi độ co giãn và hiệu quả của thun
Không nên há miệng quá to sẽ làm mất đi độ co giãn và hiệu quả của thun

4. At what stage of braces need to wear inter-jaw elastic?

The effect of wearing an inter-jaw elastic is to help balance the bite, but that doesn't mean that everyone with braces needs to wear an inter-jaw elastic, and the period of wearing an inter-jaw elastic is different for each person.
The time to wear the elastic depends on the current status of the braces person, the movement of the teeth when using braces ... In most cases, when wearing an inter-jaw elastic band, they should be worn right after starting the braces. . However, in order to know the exact time, users need to consult a dentist when they want orthodontic braces
The ideal time to wear the inter-jaw elastic band every day is 20 hours, so the user needs to wear the elastic even when sleeping and only take it out when eating or cleaning teeth.

5. How long do you wear the inter-jaw spandex?

The time to wear the inter-jaw spandex depends on the specific case, there will be changes, faster or slower. If the braces person's teeth are relatively secure in terms of occlusion, they can only wear the inter-jaw elastic for a short time, and vice versa, it can be longer than a few weeks so that the upper and lower jaws are in balance, ensuring a healthy balance. teeth are even, beautiful, eat well after removing braces.

Khi khớp cắn khớp và răng đều đẹp thì có thể bỏ thun liên hàm
Khi khớp cắn khớp và răng đều đẹp thì có thể bỏ thun liên hàm

6. Side effects of wearing an elastic band

Due to the effect of wearing an elastic band between the jaws as a support to pull the teeth to the standard position, the first time wearing the elastic will appear pain and discomfort. At that time, absolutely do not remove the intermaxillary elastic because this only prolongs the time the teeth move to the standard position. Ideally, people with braces should get used to it, when the teeth have moved gradually, the pain will no longer feel.
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BSCK II Nguyen Khanh Nam has more than 30 years of experience in Odonto-Stomatology. Doctor Nam was formerly Head of Odonto-Stomatology Department of Khanh Hoa Provincial Hospital and Deputy Director of Service Center of Khanh Hoa Provincial Hospital before being a General Internal Medicine Doctor of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine Department of Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital. To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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