Why do you have dry eyes after Lasik surgery?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Thi Bich Nhi - Ophthalmologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Lasik surgery is one of the effective treatments for eye problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. However, this method can leave some temporary complications for patients, typically dry eyes after Lasik surgery. So what causes dry eyes?

1. What is Lasik surgery?

Lasik is the abbreviation of Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, this is a commonly used surgical method in cases requiring vision correction such as farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism.
Most laser vision correction surgeries are used to reshape the cornea, one of them is Lasik surgery, which significantly improves vision for people with problems about eyesight.
In general, Lasik surgery often brings high treatment efficiency to patients and less damage to the nerve organs in the cornea. According to research, about 96% of patients will regain their desired vision after Lasik treatment.

Công nghệ mổ Lasik
Công nghệ mổ Lasik

2. Symptoms after Lasik surgery

Although Lasik surgery is often highly effective in treating eye conditions, it still has some potential complications after surgery, the most typical are symptoms such as dry eyes, itchy eyes, etc. sore or blurred eyes. There are also some other mild symptoms such as limited perception of contrast, blurred vision or halos appearing at night.
When experiencing the above complications, patients should not be too worried because these are all normal reactions after surgery. Side effects can appear within 24-48 hours after Lasik surgery. Although these symptoms are often uncomfortable, they gradually improve and disappear on their own.

3. Why do you have dry eyes after Lasik surgery?

Most patients after Lasik surgery have a common symptom is dry eyes. Experts in the medical field have found that Lasik surgery can cause some damage to the corneal nerve.
During surgery, the cornea will be reshaped by the doctor by removing some of the tissue below the cornea. In addition, some nerves in the cornea were also removed. Although this does not affect the patient's vision much, it does disrupt the connection between the tear gland and the cornea for a period of time. At that time, the signals transmitted to the lacrimal gland are obstructed, making it difficult for it to perform its function of secreting tears to help lubricate and moisten the corneal surface, leading to dry eyes.

Tình trạng khô mắt sau mổ Lasik
Tình trạng khô mắt sau mổ Lasik
In addition, other factors such as inflammation caused by surgery or a change in the shape of the cornea are also the main causes of dry eyes. After Lasik surgery, the cornea can change its original shape and affect the interaction of the eyelids with the surface of the eye, reducing tear production and blinking. regime.
In addition, some of the following factors also contribute to an increased risk of dry eyes after Lasik surgery, including:
Patient had pre-existing dry eye condition before Lasik surgery Patient is female Patient elderly patients Patients with contact lenses Patients of Asian descent Patients who were nearsighted prior to Lasik treatment or have highly corrected vision Patients with chronic diabetes Ambient environment (air-conditioned dryness) also affects the eyes Blood pressure or allergy medications can also reduce eye moisture.

4. Signs that you have dry eyes after Lasik surgery

Dry eye condition after being treated with Lasik method is usually manifested by the following signs:
Red eyes Eyes are swollen or itchy

Mắt đỏ là dấu hiệu nhận biết bạn bị khô mắt sau mổ Lasik
Mắt đỏ là dấu hiệu nhận biết bạn bị khô mắt sau mổ Lasik
Eyes are sore or feel dry, burning in the eyes Eyelids feel sticky when looking at eyes Tired, heavy eyes Sensitivity to bright light Increased mucus discharge in the eyes Uncontrollable tearing

5. Ways to care for eyes after Lasik surgery

Eye care after Lasik surgery is very important, this not only works to reduce symptoms of dry eyes, eyestrain, eye pain,... but also helps restore vision faster. Eye care after Lasik surgery is as follows:
5.1. Perform eye hygiene For about 1 month after Lasik surgery, the patient absolutely must not put any substance or object in the face, except for eye drops prescribed by the doctor. For women who often have the habit of using eyeliner and mascara to apply makeup, they should not use it during this period because the substances in makeup can damage the newly opened cornea. treatment.

Tái khám sau mổ khi bạn thấy dấu hiệu bất thường tại mắt
Tái khám sau mổ khi bạn thấy dấu hiệu bất thường tại mắt
When washing your face with cleanser or showering, you should also avoid direct contact of soap with your eyes. To limit this, the patient should have a dry towel ready next to him to promptly wipe the water before it flows into the eyes. In addition, after surgery, your eyes are still very sensitive, so you must minimize rubbing your eyes to avoid hurting your eyes.
5.2. Paying attention to daily nutrition Scientists have recommended that patients after Lasik surgery should add omega-3 and other good fats found in foods such as mackerel and salmon. daily meals to strengthen the protective film of the eyes.
Besides, you should also maintain the habit of drinking a lot of water daily from 1.5-2 liters so that the body is fully hydrated, and the eyes are also brighter.
In addition, to avoid dry eyes after Lasik surgery, patients should limit staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time, and blink frequently to moisten the surface of the cornea and stimulate the secretion of tears. of the lacrimal gland. Then, avoid sitting for hours in front of a TV, computer or LED screen in close proximity both before and after Lasik surgery. If going out or swimming, you must wear glasses to protect your eyes, to avoid dust and water coming into contact with your eyes. It is necessary to have regular check-ups after Lasik surgery so that the doctor can promptly grasp the health status of the eyes and give the best advice.
Doctor CKI Nguyen Thi Bich Nhi has nearly 10 years of experience in the eye field. Treatment of medical eye diseases as well as eye surgery such as: pterygium, entropion, milia, glaucoma and cataract surgery by Phaco method. Besides, it also treats diabetic retinopathy by intraocular Anti-VEGF injection and ophthalmic surgery. Currently, the doctor is an Eye Doctor in the Department of Medical Examination - Internal Medicine, Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
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Reference source: webmd.com
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