Why do women cheat? Emotional and physical reasons

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The happiness of a relationship between a man and a woman includes many personal and social factors. When these factors are not sufficient for each party, new ways to compensate for the missing needs of each individual begin to emerge. And in the long run, the inevitable consequences will lead to the breakdown of the marriage. The reasons can appear in both sexes and in this article will help you understand what is the reason for cheating in women?

1. The difference in psychological tendency towards adultery between men and women

To understand the reasons why women cheat, first of all, we need to analyze a bit about the psychological tendency to cheat in women and the difference compared to men.
Men and women are programmed to be each other's half, but an interesting thing is the psychology of men and women has a lot of differences.
There are many reasons leading to deception such as feelings of revenge, boredom, sexual needs. But psychologically, the main factor leading to cheating is the psychological tendency to cheat differently in the sexes. However, there are many differences in needs between women and men. With men always tend to prefer to have many relationships (quantity) while in women always want to find a way to fill the emotional void (quality).

Phụ nữ luôn mong muốn tìm cách lấp đầy khoảng trống về mặt tình cảm
Phụ nữ luôn mong muốn tìm cách lấp đầy khoảng trống về mặt tình cảm

1.1. The quality of sexual partners or the number of sexual partners. The old concept often held that women were born with the virtue of loyalty and that men were more prone to adultery. However, based on scientific evidence this may not be the case. Both men and women have all the elements to be able to cheat.
A study of men and women surveyed on short-term and long-term relationships. When surveying short-term relationships, men often expect to have a higher number of sexual partners than women. Women also have a need for these short-term relationships and have the same adulterous thoughts as men. However, women are not looking for quantity, they are looking for men with masculine faces, fit bodies and high social status (quality).
1.2. Differences in need to choose a mate The above study also shows an institutional difference between men and women when choosing their life partner. Women often prefer men who are older, intelligent, and ambitious. Meanwhile, men choose women who are young and attractive in appearance.
1.3. Sexual repression Unlike other animals, humans have thoughts and thoughts and this greatly affects the sexual instinct in humans. Humans are born with innate sexual desires and are ingrained in the brain, but they are influenced by our ability to think and imagine.

Sự kìm hãm về tình dục là một trong những nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến hôn nhân đổ vỡ
Sự kìm hãm về tình dục là một trong những nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến hôn nhân đổ vỡ

Sexual activity is controlled by some brain structures, but by thoughts from other brain regions. So in other words both men and women are programmed for infidelity but we have the mindset to control it so that we can create lasting loyal relationships.
Therefore, deep inside each person has a sexual instinct, more or less, and with the influence of external factors, it is to change thoughts and eliminate these inhibiting thoughts. The obvious result is cheating in the marriage.

2. Are men or women more likely to cheat?

Psychologically, women are less likely to cheat than men because women tend to think longer and have difficulty in making this decision than men. Some people see adultery as a way to warm up and warn the other side of the marital status between two people.
Moreover, it is more difficult for women to accept having sex with someone outside of a close relationship than men. Besides, in a psychological relationship women often have more attachment than men. Therefore, when making a decision about adultery, women are often aware of and consider the things that they will face.

Phụ nữ ít có khả năng ngoại tình hơn đàn ông
Phụ nữ ít có khả năng ngoại tình hơn đàn ông

3. Why do women cheat?

As mentioned above, women have their own psychological tendencies that are different from men such as differences in emotional needs in marriage, the need to choose a partner as well as the need for love. sex. If the satisfaction of these needs is not achieved, the female psyche needs to find other ways to satisfy those needs.
3.1. Desire to find an emotional connection. Women are always looking for quality rather than quantity. So, emotionally, women need to connect with their partner more. If this connection is not really perfect, it will make women feel lonely and more likely to lead to adultery.
Besides, women often feel unsatisfied with the relationship they are in, while men may feel more happy in their relationships. Research shows that only 34% of women feel happy or very happy in kissing. This percentage is much lower than that of men who are 56% happy in their existing marital relationship.
3.2. Emotions or sexual needs Women are often more emotionally inclined in love than in sex. This is not to say that sex does not play an important role in women's adultery.
However, the impetus for these ideas of adultery is not purely sexual. As mentioned above, women often choose quality over quantity. Therefore, most women cheat not for the purpose of having more sex, but instead for the desire to find emotional experiences when with someone.

Phụ nữ nghiêng về cảm xúc trong tình yêu nhiều hơn là về tình dục
Phụ nữ nghiêng về cảm xúc trong tình yêu nhiều hơn là về tình dục

3.3. Marital breakdown Looking for a new partner to leave an existing bad marriage is one of the common reasons among women experiencing marital breakdown problems. These women are on a sinking ship and adultery is like a life raft because they don't want their lives to sink with it.
3.4. Major events Some women are also more likely to cheat during vulnerable or life-changing times such as trauma or after losing a job. This can be seen as a form of alleviation of the events they are facing.
Sexual needs in each person will be different and partly reflect your health status. If you are having problems with decreased sex drive and don't know how to solve it, go to Vinmec International General Hospital for consultation, examination and treatment by specialist doctors. To register for the fastest examination and treatment, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Reference source: webmd.com
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