Why do pregnant women need to supplement with vitamins and trace elements during pregnancy?

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Article by Specialist I Tran Thi Thu Ha - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Women's Health Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Vitamins and trace elements play an especially important role in the health of pregnant women and fetuses. They not only help protect health, enhance resistance, but also prevent birth defects in the fetus and common medical conditions during pregnancy. So how to take vitamin supplements during pregnancy to get the best results?

1. The role of vitamins and trace elements with pregnant women's health?

Vitamins and trace elements play a very important role in pregnancy. Currently, the use of vitamin supplements, functional foods, and trace elements for pregnant women has become popular. However, experts recommend that no matter how safe and effective supplements are, they cannot replace the intake of essential vitamins and minerals through a scientific diet. , reasonable . Scientific studies have also shown that vitamins and other substances in food are better balanced than those that are artificially made.
In fact, there are some vitamins and nutrients that are difficult for the body to absorb or have a low absorption rate through food such as: Vitamin C during storage or cooking for too long will decompose, iron is difficult to absorb. if vitamin C is lacking. Some fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, E, D, K will be better absorbed if fat is added to the daily diet... Not all pregnant women have the right understanding of vitamin and mineral supplements through eating and drinking. Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy due to the phenomenon of morning sickness causing dizziness, nausea, fear of the smell of food, ... so many women cannot maintain a scientific and reasonable diet. Therefore, the use of vitamin supplements and trace elements for pregnant women is very necessary.
The vitamin supplement during pregnancy for pregnant women has many uses such as supporting the pregnancy process to take place more smoothly; help the fetus develop comprehensively in terms of health, especially the brain; prevent birth defects in the unborn baby; enhance the health of pregnant women as well as limit some common diseases in pregnant women such as premature birth, fetal growth retardation, infection...
See now: What nutrients should be added for pregnant women?

Việc bổ sung vitamin khi mang thai cho bà bầu có rất nhiều công dụng
Việc bổ sung vitamin khi mang thai cho bà bầu có rất nhiều công dụng

2. Vitamin supplements during pregnancy need which vitamins and trace elements?

Multivitamins for pregnant mothers need to ensure important nutrients to help protect the health of mother and fetus. When choosing a vitamin supplement for pregnant women, you need to pay attention to some important ingredients as follows:

2.1. Supplement with folic acid (vitamin B9)

Folic acid, also known as Vitamin B9, is an essential vitamin for the development of the fetus. Taking folic acid in appropriate doses from 3 months before pregnancy to the end of 3 months of pregnancy significantly reduces the rate of fetuses having neural tube defects. This is a fairly common malformation in the fetus such as spina bifida causing paralysis of the lower extremities, urinary incontinence, loss of sensation in the lower extremities .. or more severe such as craniocervical malformations ...
Because Therefore, in addition to folic acid supplements from food, right before planning a pregnancy, women should use folic acid tablets to supplement vitamins and prevent this serious malformation. Doctors will recommend a specific daily dose, the current common dose (recommended by the US Department of Health) is 0.8mg (800 mcg)/day.
In foods, folic acid is abundant in bean sprouts, dark green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, nuts, milk, bananas...

2.2. Iron supplement

Iron participates in the formation of red blood cells and has an important role in oxygen transport, so it is essential for pregnant mothers. During pregnancy, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends mothers Pregnant women should supplement about 30mg of elemental iron per day to prevent anemia. Excess iron taken into the body will not be eliminated but will be stored, so regular iron intake and specific dosage need to be considered.
In fact, taking iron is only really needed if you have iron deficiency anemia, if your iron levels are in the normal range, iron supplements will not bring any benefit. In particular, in cases of people carrying the gene for hemolytic anemia (thalassemia), although the body is anemic, the serum iron level is still very high, then taking iron is contraindicated. The doctor will base on your blood count, serum iron level to make appropriate indications.
In food, iron will be abundant in spinach, lean meat, sea fish, water spinach...

2.3. Canxi additional

Everyone needs essential minerals to maintain nutrition for the body. Accordingly, calcium is an extremely important mineral component, in addition to building bones and teeth, calcium also participates in the process of movement, circulation, and nerve transmission. During pregnancy, the fetus cannot synthesize calcium on its own, so the mother is the only source of calcium for the baby, this calcium source will be obtained mainly from the mother's bones and teeth. From the 29th week of pregnancy onwards, the fetus will take from the mother an average of 250 mg of calcium / day to serve for bone formation.
Therefore, calcium supplementation is indispensable in the diet for pregnant women both before and during pregnancy. In addition to a calcium-rich diet, it is necessary to supplement calcium through oral tablets. On average, pre-pregnancy women need about 800mg of elemental calcium per day to ensure enough calcium for the body, while pregnant women need to supplement about 1000-2000mg and should not exceed 2500mg of elemental calcium per day. day.
However, like iron tablets, mothers need to pay attention to the amount of elemental calcium and compound calcium, for example, in 1000 mg of calcium carbonate (common calcium pills on the market in this form) there is only 400 mg of pure calcium. and should add organic calcium for better absorption.
To absorb calcium best, pregnant women need to take with appropriate dosage and time, avoid taking with some drugs such as iron, which will reduce calcium absorption.

2.4. DHA

DHA has a great significance for fetal development. The DHA component in Omega 3 helps develop the baby's central nervous system from the first weeks of pregnancy. In addition, DHA also helps develop the retina of the face, reducing the risk of premature birth, low birth weight. Women should not only drink when they are pregnant, but supplementing with DHA from before pregnancy also provides an extremely important reserve of DHA for the development of the fetus, especially in the first weeks - development of the central nervous system.
DHA is found in foods such as: fish, egg yolks, milk, red meat, nuts... However, providing DHA through Omega 3 pills is the most convenient. The minimum dose of DHA for adults is about 220 mg/day, for pregnant women and breastfeeding about 300 mg/day.

2.5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps absorb and metabolize essential minerals such as calcium and phosphorus into the body. During pregnancy, if the body lacks vitamin D, it will increase the risk such as rickets in the womb, the baby will be born for a long time.
To absorb vitamin D from nature, pregnant women can spend time sunbathing about 20-30 minutes/day or supplement with vitamin D 15mcg/day. The use of foods rich in vitamin D such as cheese, fish, eggs, milk, or foods fortified with vitamin D is also highly effective for pregnant women.

Việc bổ sung canxi là điều không thể thiếu trong chế độ dinh dưỡng cho mẹ bầu
Việc bổ sung canxi là điều không thể thiếu trong chế độ dinh dưỡng cho mẹ bầu

2.6. Iodine (Iodine)

Iodine is an important micronutrient for the development of the fetus, especially the child's nervous system. The need for iodine during pregnancy will also increase. This is a necessary material for the synthesis of thyroid hormone, because pregnant women need one-third more than usual and iodine supplementation is very important for the fetus.
When a pregnant mother has a severe iodine deficiency, it can increase the risk of miscarriage or birth defects. Therefore, iodine supplementation is also very important for pregnant mothers.

2.7. Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps increase the survival rate of the fetus, necessary for the child's visual development.
Accordingly, the recommended vitamin A requirement during pregnancy is 800 mcg RE/day (RE: retinol equivalent). The main sources of vitamin A are in vegetables such as carrots, papaya, pumpkin), liver, fish oil and dairy products such as yogurt, cheese.
Watch now: Why should you take a multivitamin and folic acid (vitamin B9) before getting pregnant?

2.8. Vitamin B1

This is essential for glucose metabolism. Whole grains and legumes are good sources of vitamin B1. To get enough vitamin B1, pregnant women should eat rice that is not too white, not rotten or moldy. Besides, eating a lot of beans is the best way to supplement enough vitamin B1 for the body's needs and fight against edema.

2.9. Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 helps the body create energy, promotes the development of the fetus, is good for vision cells, and participates in the process of skin formation and blood formation. In addition, vitamin B2 also plays an important role in the development of bones, muscles, nerve cells of children. Therefore, an adequate supply of vitamin B2 is essential for pregnant mothers.
Vitamin B2 is abundant in animal foods, milk, vegetables, beans... Whole grains are a good source of B2, but much is reduced through the milling process.

2.10.Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a great role in increasing the body's resistance, supporting iron absorption from meals, contributing to the prevention of iron deficiency anemia. Vitamin C is abundant in ripe fruits, green vegetables have a lot of vitamin C but much is lost during cooking. Therefore, this vitamin is often recommended by doctors to take with meals for best absorption.
In fact, vitamin C only exists in the blood for a few hours, so pregnant women should not use the entire oral dose at one time, but should divide the dose corresponding to meals during the day. In case people have stomach pain, they should take vitamin C after meals. Vitamin C should not be taken too late in the evening, because vitamin C is highly stimulant, making it difficult to sleep.

2.11. Magnesium

Magnesium has the effect of detoxifying pregnancy. They are abundant in green vegetables, containing a lot of chlorophyll, wheat, hard fruits, legumes (beans), meat, seafood.... When following food into the body, usually only about 30-40% of magnesium is absorbed and vitamin D3 is the substance that helps the body absorb magnesium better.
The daily requirement of magnesium supplement for adults is about 420mg, in pregnant and lactating women need 400mg/day.

2.12. Zinc

Zinc participates in the development of height in the fetus and increases immunity for the child. The best source of zinc is meat, fish, seafood, especially molluscs such as snails, mussels, mussels, worms or clams... Plant foods also have zinc but low content and steamed. poor revenue. Zinc deficiency can cause infertility, miscarriage, premature birth or premature birth, stillbirth near the due date, and abnormal delivery. Therefore, zinc supplementation for pregnant women also needs attention.
Multivitamin for pregnant women is a product to help mother and fetus have a healthy pregnancy and provide all necessary nutrients. Folic acid, calcium, iron, DHA, vitamins A, D, C, B1, B2.. and minerals such as Magnesium, zinc.. also play an important role in helping the fetus form and be healthy when born. Therefore, the combination of multivitamin supplements for pregnant women is very necessary. However, to achieve the desired effect, pregnant women also need to pay attention to balance with nutrition, activities, rest, keep the spirit happy and comfortable to best prepare for the greeting. the life of a new family member.
Not only is the address providing knowledge and examination before planning to become a mother for women, now Vinmec International General Hospital also offers a Package Maternity Care Program for pregnant women. right from the beginning of pregnancy from the first months with a full range of antenatal check-ups, periodical 3D and 4D ultrasounds and routine tests to ensure that the mother is healthy and the fetus develops comprehensively. In addition to regular check-ups, pregnant women will also be advised on nutrition, nutritional supplements, and exercise so that the mother can gain weight reasonably while the fetus still absorbs nutrients well.
In particular, with the medical examination and treatment process at Vinmec performed by well-trained obstetricians both at home and abroad, it will soon detect obstetric diseases in the mother or abnormalities in the fetus so that each family can welcome healthy, plump and lovely angels.

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