Why are you forgetful?

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Amnesia can be unusual forgetfulness. You may not be able to recall new events, recalling one or more memories from the past. The condition may last for a short time and then resolve. Or, it may not go away and, depending on the cause, it may get worse over time.

1. What is amnesia?

Everyone experiences amnesia from time to time. Amnesia tends to increase with age and is usually not cause for concern. However, advanced amnesia due to conditions such as Alzheimer's disease can be serious.
In case, you feel you have signs of forgetfulness affecting your daily life, you should consult your doctor to find out the cause. There are many causes of amnesia and it is treatable if diagnosed early. And vice versa, if the disease is not detected early, it will make the treatment process much more difficult.

Nguyên nhân gây ra chứng hay quên có thể xuất phát từ bệnh Alzheimer
Nguyên nhân gây ra chứng hay quên có thể xuất phát từ bệnh Alzheimer

2. What causes amnesia?

Some commonly thought to cause amnesia:
Medications Certain prescription and over-the-counter medicines can interfere with or cause amnesia. Such medications may be: antidepressants, antihistamines, anti-anxiety medications, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and pain relievers after surgery.
Alcohol, tobacco or drug use Excessive alcohol use has long been recognized as a cause of amnesia.
Smoking harms memory by reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the brain. Studies have shown that smokers find it more difficult to match a person's face with the corresponding name than non-smokers.
Illegal drugs like narcotics can change the chemical composition of the brain, making it difficult for the user to recall memories.
Sleep deprivation Both quantity and quality of sleep are important for memory. Sleeping too little or waking up frequently during the night can lead to fatigue, which interferes with your ability to consolidate and retrieve information.
Depression and stress Being depressed can cause forgetfulness and loss of concentration, and can affect memory. Stress and anxiety can also interfere with concentration. When you're stressed and your mind is overstimulated or distracted, your ability to remember can suffer.
Stress caused by an emotional trauma can also lead to amnesia.

Căng thẳng là nguyên nhân phổ biến gây nên chứng hay quên
Căng thẳng là nguyên nhân phổ biến gây nên chứng hay quên

Undernutrition Good nutrition including high-quality protein and fats is important for brain function. Furthermore, the deficiency of vitamins such as B vitamins including vitamins B1 and B12 especially affects the brain.
Head trauma A strong blow to the head such as from a fall or car accident can damage the brain and cause both short- and long-term memory loss. However, over time memory can gradually improve.
Stroke A stroke usually occurs when the blood supply to the brain is stopped due to a blockage of a blood vessel to the brain or a leak of a vessel into the brain. Stroke often causes short-term dementia. A person who has had a stroke may have vivid memories of childhood events but cannot recall what he or she ate for lunch.
Transient total amnesia (TGA) This is a brief loss of memory formation. It usually clears up on its own and doesn't cause any harm or happen again. Doctors aren't sure why this happens. Occasionally, small traces are seen in the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain involved in memory formation.
Dementia Amnesia is the name for progressive memory loss and other aspects of thinking that are severe enough to interfere with the ability to function daily. Although there are many causes for this condition. But it often includes vascular disease, drug or alcohol abuse or other damaging causes, the most common and familiar being Alzheimer's disease.
Other Causes Other causes of amnesia include an underactive or overactive thyroid gland, drug use, and infections such as HIV, tuberculosis, and syphilis. These diseases all affect the brain.

Chứng hay quên xảy ra cũng có thể do bệnh nhân có tiền sử đột quỵ
Chứng hay quên xảy ra cũng có thể do bệnh nhân có tiền sử đột quỵ

3. Diagnosing the cause of amnesia

If you feel that you are becoming increasingly forgetful or if memory problems interfere with your daily life, see your doctor to determine the cause and get the best treatment.
To evaluate for amnesia, your doctor will ask about your medical history, followed by a physical exam including a neurological exam. Depending on the results, the doctor may further evaluate with blood tests, urine, neurological tests, and imaging tests of the brain such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

4. Prevents Amnesia

Dr. Adam Gazzaley, founding director of the Center for Neuroimaging at the University of California, San Francisco, says the brain acts as a network with different areas communicating with each other all the time. When trying to remember something, the brain establishes a new network, and memory failure occurs when something goes wrong in that network. Gazzaley conducted research and showed that some people are able to maintain or stimulate this network while others cannot.
To do this, limit interventions that can distract or affect the memory process of the brain. Furthermore, each person can train his or her brain to remember information with practice. According to Gazzaley, the brain has elasticity and the ability to improve when stimulated. Therefore, we should regularly practice to help prevent amnesia by concentrating and remembering information. For example, remembering the names of people you just met, or remembering the things you need to buy instead of writing a list on paper...

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Gói Khám sức khỏe tổng quát đã và đang được triển khai tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec

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Reference source: webmd.com
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