Why are children not hungry?

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Many parents today are very upset with the problem of children not knowing hunger. Despite preparing delicious and colorful dishes, the children did not eat as a result. Learning some reasons why children do not know hunger will help mothers overcome this situation.

1. Why does the child not eat?

In young children, the energy needs are not as high as that of adults, so don't force them to eat as much as adults want. Children who do not eat can also come from the fact that the food their parents cook does not make them interested, plus the child is very prone to bloating, so they often do not know that they are hungry and the child refuses to eat.
Baby's stomach is small, so it's easy to fill up, can't hold much food. As recommended by nutritionists, children should eat 3 main meals and 2 snacks, so that the baby's stomach can receive and absorb food. However, with young children, they are easily influenced by other activities happening around, and rarely focus on eating as seriously as adults. Asking children to sit still for more than 15-30 minutes to eat is quite difficult, especially when children are being fed alone, not at the same table at family mealtimes.

2. What to do if the child does not eat?

To help children feel hungry and eat well, parents can apply some of the following methods:
Encourage breast-feeding for the first 6 months, only give formula milk when breast milk is not enough. respond to the child. Because formula milk will not have as many nutrients as breast milk and there is a risk of iron deficiency in the baby. From 6 months onwards, it is recommended to supplement the baby's nutrients with solid meals, immediately create a habit of being interested in meals at this time. Parents should pay attention to providing enough nutrients for children such as proteins, vitamins and minerals, food should be colorful to stimulate children to eat. If you realize that your child is not hungry, think about whether the amount of food is too much, there is something that dominates his mind like a phone or computer that makes him no longer feel hungry. Should build the habit of sitting at the table of your child, focus on eating and then let the baby go out to play. If the child refuses to eat, it is possible to reduce the child's snacks, keep 3 fixed meals, this is a scientific way of starving children. Children should not eat too much candy and snacks close to the main meal because it partially fills the child's stomach and makes them not interested in eating anymore.

Trẻ không ăn cũng có thể đến từ việc thức ăn phụ huynh nấu không làm chúng hứng thú
Trẻ không ăn cũng có thể đến từ việc thức ăn phụ huynh nấu không làm chúng hứng thú

In short, there are many reasons why children refuse to eat such as uninterested food, snacks before meals or children with bloating and gas... Finding out the right causes will help parents adjust meals for children. children in the most appropriate way.
Besides, to help children have appetite and eat well, parents should supplement with micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract. vitamin C),... The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
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