Whole body detox: 9 ways to rejuvenate your body

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Whole body detox or body detox and body rejuvenation are intertwined issues and have been studied for decades. By removing and eliminating toxins and then providing your body with healthy nutrients, detoxification can help protect you from disease and regenerate your ability to maintain optimal health, as well. like helping to rejuvenate your body through a variety of methods including yoga, meditation. The article will provide readers with more understanding about 9 ways to rejuvenate the body.

1. What is a full body detox?

Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where the toxins are processed for removal. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin in the process of detoxifying the body. However, when these systems are damaged, the impurities are not filtered properly and the body is adversely affected.
The main goal of detoxification is to rid the body of toxins that accumulate inside the body and can cause unwanted effects on your health. Some activities that you can do to detox are through dieting, fasting, consuming a particular food, or avoiding foods.

2. Signs your body needs to detox

2.1. Low Energy/ Fatigue With the dizzying rise of energy drinks and the popularity of caffeinated beverages with it came the emergence of caffeine addicts. But unfortunately, the more they try to make up for the lack of energy with stimulants like caffeine and taurine, only exacerbate the problem in the long run. After the effects of your caffeinated beverage wear off, there is often a drop in energy. This makes you feel worse at the start.
Plus, these drinks affect the liver, thereby making the problem worse and sending you into a low energy spiral. If you regularly wake up feeling lethargic and your energy stays the same throughout the day with varying degrees of lethargy, you should definitely consider a detox.
Colon cleansing combined with a proper detox program can help you eliminate waste from your body, feel lighter and help release accumulated toxins.

Khi bạn cảm thấy uể oải hay mệt mỏi là lúc cơ thể cần phải thải độc
Khi bạn cảm thấy uể oải hay mệt mỏi là lúc cơ thể cần phải thải độc

2.2. You're Constipated The way your body tells you you're having digestive problems is constipation. Usually, simply increasing your fiber intake and adjusting your diet will solve this problem. However, if the condition doesn't improve, this could be your body's signal to you that it needs cleaning.
Your intestines and colon have accumulated many years of waste. Impacted stool can be the cause of frequent indigestion. Constipation can be just a symptom of a much larger, more pressing problem.
You can cleanse your bowels by incorporating a variety of healthy foods like vegetables. In addition, limit fried foods and unhealthy foods.
2.3. Inability to concentrate Although inattention is completely normal for us, if you constantly notice this phenomenon and can't concentrate on something, that's when your brain is sending a signal. for you to detox your body. Don't make it worse by drinking energy drinks or immediately taking prescription medication.
What you need to do now is to free yourself from the toxins inside your body in the form of heavy metals, candida... you will be amazed at your ability to concentrate, work and accomplish better How does it work
2.4. Feeling Pressure The way you feel largely depends on your body's ability to provide nutritious food. Your mood can change with meals, and eating poor quality or even toxic foods for a long time can cause you to fall into a state of depression.
Changing your diet and food intake can definitely help you get rid of the toxins that prevent nutrients from finding their way to your brain. Toxins have a way of nesting in the body and will stay there unless acted upon by a resistance force. In this case, a detox program can certainly help get your mind and mood back on track.
2.5. Overweight / Difficult to lose weight One of the best ways to boost your confidence is when you are at your ideal weight. If you still haven't reached your ideal weight even after several serious weight loss efforts, it's possible that toxins in your body are preventing you from losing weight that you can't get rid of.
Toxins present in your body can prevent you from absorbing Vitamins and Minerals from the food you eat. When you go through a detox, you're bringing your body back into balance rather than starting at a disadvantage. Not only does it help the body eliminate waste from the body and lose weight as a by-product of detoxification, but it also sets the stage for healthy weight loss with the adoption of a better diet. and a more active lifestyle.

Những ngấn mỡ thừa có thể là dấu hiệu của việc cơ thể tích tụ nhiều chất độc hại
Những ngấn mỡ thừa có thể là dấu hiệu của việc cơ thể tích tụ nhiều chất độc hại

2.6. Difficulty sleeping When your body has too many toxins, you will stay up more at night, tossing and turning because your natural cycle is disrupted. Melatonin is a chemical that signals the body to sleep. Detoxing your body can reduce the amount of melatonin your body produces causing a domino effect, thus affecting your natural sleep and relaxed state.
When you can't sleep, there are many possible negative effects like irritability. When the body is constantly kept in an unnatural state, which is the case when you have so many toxins in your body, you may find yourself out of tune with nature. This will make you stay up late and wake up later than you need to or feel like you need more sleep than you actually do. Try detoxing before using sleep aids, this will only worsen the problem.
2.7. Sexual dysfunction Your sex organs are like any other when poisons wreak havoc on your body their proper functions can be eliminated.
Many of the detox program participants reported having a stronger sex drive and performing better than they did before the program. If you have never tried to detox and your sex drive and libido gradually decline, it is not a sign of aging but rather a sign that you are going in the wrong direction.
2.8. Unexplained Headaches The source of some headaches is easy to pinpoint, be it a stressful day or noisy surroundings. But if you have frequent headaches with no apparent cause, it may be time to quit.
Headaches are a fairly reliable way for your body to let you know that something is wrong. It grabs your attention and can bring your world to a standstill if it's bad enough. Instead of treating painful symptoms, it's best to see if your headache is caused by a toxic state. Of course, attacking the root of the problem is much more effective than just treating the symptoms.
Before trying a pain reliever or worrying that you might have these pains for the rest of your life. Try a detox program to see if the problem is with too many toxins in your body.

Chất độc ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến não và là nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng đau đầu dai dẳng
Chất độc ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến não và là nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng đau đầu dai dẳng

3. Benefits of rejuvenating the body to eliminate toxins.

3.1. Boost your energy Many people after participating in a detox program report that they feel more energetic than before. That leads to a much improved life because you now have more energy to do the things you enjoy.
During the cleanse, you're essentially cutting out sugar, caffeine, and trans fats, for healthier alternatives like fresh fruits and vegetables. These have natural sugars that give you a more natural burst of energy to get you through the day. The best part is that there are no power issues after that.
In addition, experts also encourage you to drink enough water, at least about 8 glasses of water a day.
3.2. Remove any excess waste from the body. Perhaps the greatest effect of detoxification is to allow the body to rid itself of all the excess waste it has stored. Most detox programs in existence are designed to stimulate the body to self-purge, supporting its liver as well as your kidneys and colon.
Cleansing your colon is an important part of the detoxification process because toxins need to get out of the body. Sticking with fruits and vegetables as your staples even after a detox is a good way to ensure that all your hard work doesn't go to waste.
3.3. Helps in Weight Loss This is one of the greatest benefits of detoxing. It affects your entire diet both in the short and long term. In short, because you're cleansing your body, you're getting rid of stored excess weight from your colon, kidneys, and liver. Besides, calories are significantly reduced because you have to change your diet.
Detox also improves your discipline to stick to a diet and limit your unhealthy habits like eating junk food. The act of replacing bad food with good food should be a permanent thing. In addition to adjusting your diet, you should also use your new-found energy to exercise more and be more active.
3.4. A Healthier Immune System When you cleanse your body your organs are released so they can function the way they should. This helps strengthen your immune system because of the ability of your body to absorb more nutrients especially vitamin C which is considered a great immune system supporter.

Đào thải độc tố trong cơ thể giúp hệ miễn dịch khỏe mạnh hơn
Đào thải độc tố trong cơ thể giúp hệ miễn dịch khỏe mạnh hơn

3.5. Improves skin Skin is the largest organ in the body. One way to detox your body is to have a sauna, which helps your body perspire and flush out additional toxins.
You can fully expect healthy, vibrant and acne-free skin at the end of your treatment.
3.6. Better Breath If you suffer from bad breath, try a colon cleanse detox program. When you can get it out and get your digestive system working properly again, you may find your breathing improves. Be aware that your breathing may actually get worse during the detox, but in the end it will be better. This is natural and occurs when toxins are eliminated from the body.
3.7. Promote Healthy Changes It's hard to change your subconscious habits. If you're addicted to sugar, caffeine, fried or crunchy foods, you can use a detox program to help you kill those cravings. Usually, if you just try to quit eating those foods or drinks, you'll have little success and go back to your old ways. But if you cleanse your body and replace those foods with healthier options, you can retrain yourself and be more likely to stick with your new routine.
3.8. Think more clearly A good detox program will pay attention to your mental state during the purification process. One really effective method is meditation. It is often recommended as a way to get you back in touch with your body during a time when you are detoxing and clearing your body of toxins.
People who followed this method said they were able to think more clearly, gradually lost the symptoms of forgetfulness

Thiền định giúp não bộ trẻ và khỏe khoắn hơn
Thiền định giúp não bộ trẻ và khỏe khoắn hơn

4. 9 ways to rejuvenate your body

4.1. Limit alcohol More than 90% of alcohol is metabolized by your liver. Enzymes in the liver convert alcohol into acetaldehyde, a cancer-causing chemical. Recognizing acetaldehyde as a toxin, your liver converts it into a harmless substance called acetate, which is then eliminated from your body.
While observational studies have shown that drinking in low to moderate levels is beneficial for heart health, drinking too much can cause a multitude of health problems typically severe damage. on liver function by fat accumulation, inflammation, scarring on the liver. That results in your chamber not being able to function fully and do its job including filtering waste and other toxins out of the body.
Therefore, you should limit or quit alcohol to help your body eliminate toxins outside. Health authorities recommend limiting alcohol intake to one to two drinks per day.
4.2. Focus on sleep Sleep is the time for your brain to reorganize and recharge, as well as remove toxins that have accumulated during the day from the body. One of those waste products is a protein called beta-amyloid, which contributes to the development of Alzheimer's disease. With a lack of sleep your body doesn't have time to perform those functions, so toxins can build up and affect several aspects of your body's health.
Ensuring adequate and quality sleep every night is a must for the health of the body and its natural detoxification system. Poor sleep has been linked to short- and long-term health consequences, such as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, metabolic cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and overweight and obesity.
You should sleep 7-9 hours a night regularly to maintain good health
If you have trouble tossing or sleeping at night, lifestyle changes such as sticking to a sleep schedule and limiting blue light - emitted by mobile devices, televisions and computer screens - before bed is helpful in improving sleep
4.3. Drink more water Water is really necessary for you. Not only does it quench thirst, but it also regulates your body temperature, lubricates joints, aids digestion, absorbs nutrients, and detoxifies the body by eliminating waste. The body's cells must constantly be repaired to function optimally and break down nutrients for the body to use as energy for all activities.
But in these processes there is the release of waste in the form of urea and carbon dioxide which is harmful to your body if it accumulates in your blood.
Water will help transport these waste products and remove them through urine, breathing or sweat effectively. So, drinking enough water in the right way is very important to help your body detox.
According to recommendations, the daily amount of water for men is 3.7 liters, for women is 2.7 liters. You may need more or less depending on your diet, living conditions and your activity level.

Nước giữ vai trò vô cùng thiết yếu trong quá trình bài trừ độc tố của cơ thể
Nước giữ vai trò vô cùng thiết yếu trong quá trình bài trừ độc tố của cơ thể

4.4. Reduce sugar and processed foods Consuming high amounts of sugar and processed foods has been linked to obesity and other chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. These diseases interfere with your body's natural ability to detox by harming vital organs, such as your liver and kidneys.
Example: sugary drinks can cause fatty liver - a condition that negatively affects liver function.
Using enough snacks, you can keep the body's detoxification system healthy. Replace junk food with healthier choices like fruits and vegetables.
4.5. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your cells against damage caused by molecules called free radicals. Oxidative stress is a condition in which there is an overproduction of free radicals.
Your body automatically produces these molecules for cellular processes, such as digestion. However, alcohol, smoke, a poor diet and exposure to pollutants can create excessive free radicals.
By damaging your body's cells, these molecules have been linked to a number of conditions, such as dementia, heart disease, liver disease, asthma, and certain types of cancer .
Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can help your body fight oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals and other toxins that increase disease risk.
Focus on getting antioxidants from food rather than taking supplements directly, which can increase your risk of certain diseases when you take large amounts.
Examples of antioxidants include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. They are found in berries, fruits, nuts, cocoa, vegetables, spices, and beverages like coffee and green tea.
4.6. Eat foods rich in Prebiotics. A healthy gut is important for your body's detoxification system. Your gut cells have a detoxification and excretion system to protect your intestines and body from harmful toxins, such as chemicals.
Good gut health requires prebiotics. One type of fiber that feeds good bacteria to your gut is called probiotics. With prebiotics, your good bacteria will likely make nutrients known as healthy short-chain fatty acids. The good bacteria in your gut is likely to be out of balance with the bad bacteria due to antibiotic use, poor oral hygiene, and the quality of your meals.
Therefore, this unhealthy bacterial shift can weaken your detoxification system, and increase your risk of other opportunistic and inflammatory diseases.
Eating foods rich in prebiotics can keep your immune and detox systems healthy. Good food sources of prebiotics include tomatoes, artichokes, bananas, apples, asparagus, onions, garlic and oats
4.7. Reduce salt intake Using too much salt will lead to water retention in the body, especially if you do not drink enough water will affect your liver and kidney function.

Ăn nhiều muối ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến sự hoạt động của gan và thận
Ăn nhiều muối ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến sự hoạt động của gan và thận

Although it sounds ridiculous, increasing water intake is one of the best ways to get rid of excess water caused by consuming too much salt.
That's because when you consume too much salt and don't get enough water, your body releases an antidiuretic hormone that makes you unable to urinate - and thus detoxifies
By increasing water intake drinking for your body will reduce the secretion of antidiuretic hormone and increase the ability to urinate, remove more water and waste products
Increase the intake of foods rich in potassium - which helps to balance some of the effects of sodium - also useful. Foods rich in potassium include potatoes, squash, kidney beans, bananas, and spinach
4.8. Getting fit with regular exercise has been linked to a longer life and a lower risk of many conditions and diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, some cancers .
While there are some benefits behind exercise, reducing inflammation is the bottom line that is visible. While some inflammation is necessary to recover from an injury or infection, too much of it weakens your body's systems and promotes disease.
By reducing inflammation, exercise can help the body's systems - including the detoxification system - function properly and protect from disease.
You should do at least 150–300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise – with brisk walking – or 75–150 minutes a week of high-intensity physical activity with running
4.9. Some other detox tips Although there is no current evidence to support using a detox diet to remove toxins from your body, some dietary changes and lifestyle practices may help reduce your toxin load and support your body's detoxification system.
Eat foods containing sulfur. Foods high in sulfur, such as onions, broccoli, and garlic, enhance excretion of heavy metals such as cadmium. Try chlorella. According to animal studies, Chlorella is an algae that has a lot of nutritional benefits and can enhance the elimination of toxins like heavy metals Taste dishes with cilantro. Coriander enhances the excretion of certain toxins, such as heavy metals such as lead, and chemicals, including phthalates and insecticides. Glutathione support. Eating sulfur-rich foods like eggs, broccoli, and garlic will boost the function of glutathione, a major antioxidant produced by the body, which is heavily involved in detoxification. Switch to products that are naturally cleansed. Choosing natural cleaning products like vinegar and baking soda over commercial cleaners can reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Choose natural body care. Using natural deodorants, makeup, moisturizers, shampoos, and other personal care products can also help reduce your chemical exposure. Although promising, many of these effects have only been shown in animal studies. Therefore, you should be careful when using these suggested tips. Please regularly visit Vinmec.com for more useful information!

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References: healthwholeness.com, healthline.com
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