Whether to have sex during pregnancy is something many women wonder about.

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Many people believe that sex should be abstained during pregnancy because it can affect the fetus. However, the above argument is not entirely correct. In fact, sex during pregnancy brings many significant benefits. So what are the benefits of having sex during pregnancy and how many months pregnant do you have?

1. Should you have sex during pregnancy?

Perhaps, one of the things that couples are especially interested in during pregnancy is whether to have sex during pregnancy and whether the baby will be affected when having sex or not?
In fact, the fetus is protected by amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane in the womb. Therefore, while the mother has sex, the fetus is still guaranteed to be safe. And male sex organs do not affect the fetus. In addition, with a strong protective film, bacteria cannot penetrate and harm the fetus during sex.
Therefore, it is completely safe for couples to have sex during pregnancy, just when having sex, parents should note that "love" is softer than okay.

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Quan hệ khi mang thai có tốt không?

2. 9 benefits of having sex during pregnancy

What are the benefits of having sex during pregnancy? In fact, sex during pregnancy not only does not cause harm to the fetus but also has many benefits for the pregnant woman. Here are 9 benefits of having sex during pregnancy:
Helps with weight control : Sex helps in weight control and avoids the risk of excessive weight gain in pregnant women because it burns quite a lot of calories. What are the benefits of having sex during pregnancy? Low blood pressure: High blood pressure during pregnancy can increase your risk of developing preeclampsia. Regular sex is the best way to control blood pressure and help reduce the risk of preeclampsia. Reduce pain and help couples bond more: Sex causes the body to produce oxytocin. This is a hormone that helps pregnant women relieve pain naturally during pregnancy without the use of drugs. In addition, Oxytocin can also help couples bond more. Helps improve sleep: Sex during pregnancy helps the body produce oxytocin and endorphin hormones. These two hormones have the ability to improve mood, promote blood circulation, balance metabolism, so they will help pregnant women have a comfortable, happy, and refreshing spirit, leading to better sleep. Improve immunity: Globulin and IgA are antibodies that help the body fight disease-causing bacteria. With frequent sex, the levels of these antibodies increase significantly. So, having sex during pregnancy can help boost immunity and prevent infections that affect the unborn baby, such as colds and seasonal flu. Improves blood circulation: During pregnancy, the increased blood flow makes it easier for the pregnant woman to orgasm, and vice versa, the increased blood flow during orgasm is also very beneficial for the fetus. Reduce complications and speed up postpartum recovery: "Exercise" pelvic floor muscles with sex has a great effect during childbirth and postpartum recovery. The role of the pelvis during sex is to support uterine contractions, speed up labor, and help the uterus contract back to its original size after birth. Having sex during pregnancy can also help prevent preeclampsia. What are the benefits of having sex during pregnancy? Increases arousal: Pregnancy increases the production of estrogen and progesterone, which increases blood flow in the pelvis, making women feel more aroused. Easier labor: Some studies suggest that semen contains prostaglandins, which soften the cervix and make labor easier.

3. How many months pregnant should I have sex?

How many months pregnant are you having sex with is a question that not only women care about but husbands also pay attention to. Sex during pregnancy brings many benefits to the pregnant woman, but both husband and wife should also refrain and have sex according to the instructions of the doctor.
During the first 3 months of pregnancy, the embryo is in the developing stage, not yet tightly attached to the uterus, so it is easy to miscarry. Therefore, during the first 3 months of pregnancy, women need to limit sexual activities, especially those who have been married for a long time without children and have a history of miscarriage.
By the second trimester, the placenta has formed and the fetus has settled in the uterus so miscarriage is very rare. Thus, this will be a time for couples to share, bond and have a husband and wife relationship. During this period of sexual activity, you must pay special attention to the correct sex position, do not press on the abdomen, do not cause strong stimulation to the uterus, have sex gently to avoid the risk of premature birth.
In the last 3 months of pregnancy, the fetus is getting bigger and bigger, the mother begins to feel low back pain, leg swelling and shortness of breath, so the desire also decreases. So the couple will have some difficulty in having sex. However, the couple can still have normal sex if they want. However, when having sex, it is necessary to choose the right sex position to avoid putting pressure on the abdomen and breasts.
It can be seen that in the first trimester, you should not have sex because it can cause miscarriage or affect the fetus. How many months pregnant to have sex depends on the wishes of the couple, but in the last months of pregnancy, both should limit it so as not to affect the mother and baby.

Trong 3 tháng đầu thai kỳ cần hạn chế sinh hoạt tình dục vì có thể dẫn đến sảy thai
Trong 3 tháng đầu thai kỳ cần hạn chế sinh hoạt tình dục vì có thể dẫn đến sảy thai

4. What should be kept in mind during pregnancy?

What are the benefits of having sex during pregnancy? With the benefits mentioned above, surely the couple will no longer worry or worry. However, when having a relationship between husband and wife, it is still necessary to pay attention to the following issues:
To ensure the safety of the fetus, couples need to pay attention to some questions about relationships during pregnancy. Specifically, before doing so, you should consult your doctor about what you are experiencing during sex. Please tell me whether to have sex during pregnancy? During sex, it is best to use a condom to prevent the risk of STIs. If a pregnant woman gets the disease, the health of both mother and baby can be seriously affected. In particular, the baby may have growth retardation or birth defects. Doctors also advise couples not to have oral sex because of the potential risks. Sex during pregnancy should pay attention to the position, consult your doctor about the appropriate position and not affect the mother and baby as well as the love of the couple. If pregnant women have a history of premature birth, miscarriage in the first 3 months or diagnosed with low placental attachment, placenta previa, they should not have sex because it can be dangerous for mother and baby. , abdominal pain should stop and go to the nearest hospital or medical center for examination. This could be a sign of a threatened miscarriage. What are the benefits of having sex during pregnancy or whether to have sex during pregnancy is not an uncommon question. However, when having sex during pregnancy, we should research carefully and learn the do's and don'ts before deciding to have sex. Especially when having sex until the month of pregnancy is also something that couples should learn. Adequate preparation of knowledge not only helps parents not be confused, but also helps the fetus to develop fully and healthy.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package Maternity Care Program for pregnant women right from the first months of pregnancy with a full range of antenatal care visits, periodical 3D and 4D ultrasounds and routine tests to ensure that the mother is healthy and the fetus is developing comprehensively.
Pregnant women will be consulted and checked for health under the close supervision of experienced and specialized Obstetricians, helping mothers have more knowledge to protect their health during pregnancy as well as reduce reduce complications for mother and child.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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