When should the baby go to the doctor for speech delay?

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Children who are slow to speak can be caused by many different causes, they may have problems in the pronunciation organs, because of psychological and educational factors that cause language disorders... So when should children give it to them? How to go to the doctor for speech delay and children with speech delay?

1. The language development of a normal child

The normal stage of language development will go through the following stages:
Stage 3 - 6 months: The child shows the expression of looking intently at the speaker and turning his head towards the sound. Children begin to distinguish sounds from different positions and can say words with the vowel "a" such as "ba", "grandma"; Stage 6 - 9 months: children begin to speak 2 simple sounds such as "ma ma", "ba ba"; Stage 9 - 12 months: At this stage, the baby can already make "ê" or "a" sounds that extend into a series of sounds, but the pronunciation is still unclear. At about 11 months or 1 year old, some babies can say 2-3 simple words quite clearly such as: dad, grandma, mom...; Stage 12 - 15 months: Children pronounce similar to the rhythm in music with the intention of keeping the story going; Stage 15 - 18 months: At this stage, children can already use 4 words such as animal names combined with gestures, waving, pointing. 18-month-old babies begin to speak and put two words together, forming sentence order. Children know at least 6 body parts, only 1-2 familiar images when looking at pictures such as: pictures of parents, animals...; Stage 18 - 24 months: children know about 25 words, can call people's names, greet and refuse; Stage 2 - 3 years old: children talk a lot, at this age children can know from 50-200 words, like to talk to themselves while playing. 3-year-old children can say phrases with full subjects, know how to use simple sentences, know how to ask and answer questions about what, where, yes or no...; Stage 3 - 4 years old: Children can speak complex sentences and use language quite well, at this time they can control the intensity of their voices, have intonation like adults and often ask questions about what, where, why... Watch now: Children who are slow to speak, stutter, what to do, where to check?

2. Reasons why children are slow to speak

Causes of speech delay in children are divided into 2 main groups:
Physical causes: The baby has problems with the organs of speech (such as ears, nose, throat), organs that control language or brain (such as birth defects, cerebral palsy, sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage or meningitis...); Psychological causes: It may be due to excessive pampering or conversely neglecting, not paying attention to the baby often. Some cases of children with speech delay are the result of a certain event that affects the child's psyche...

Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây ra tình trạng con nít chậm nói
Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây ra tình trạng con nít chậm nói

3. When should the baby go to the doctor for speech delay?

Screening for newborn hearing is an extremely important criterion at hospitals specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Therefore, in order to monitor early cases of children with delayed speech later, parents should take their children to a hearing screening test when they are 3-4 months old but still do not respond to loud noises, the child does not respond to loud noises. make a growling sound.
Note, when the child reaches the milestone of 5 - 12 months, the child still does not react or turn his head to the source of the sound, does not try to communicate with people around, does not know any words, does not know how to wave goodbye, does not understand how to shake his head to say no, does not respond when a loved one calls his or her name, does not understand and does not respond to simple phrases such as “no”, “bai bai”, no These are signs that parents need to pay close attention to, if at this age the child has the above symptoms, the risk of a child being slow to speak is very high. Mother needs to take the baby to the doctor for a more accurate examination.
For children at the 15- to 18-month developmental milestone, parents need to pay special attention to taking them to the doctor if they don't understand and don't respond to common everyday words like "no", "get up". any", the child cannot say any words, does not point at the object when asked, does not act on what he wants, then looks up to the adult to ask for it, cannot point to some parts by himself body when asked... More specifically, at this milestone, if the child has not yet spoken 6 words, cannot communicate in any form, even when the child needs help, does not say single words As simple as "mom", "carry"..., do not understand simple commands, do not respond with words or gestures when someone asks "what is this?"... then it is necessary to take the child to the doctor. Soon.

Another milestone to keep in mind is that when your child turns 24 months, his vocabulary is slowly increasing, he has not yet spoken 15 words, does not speak for himself, but only imitates other people's words, without simple conversations, do not use words to communicate... For children aged 25-35 months, if they can't say sentences with 2-4 words, can't name some body parts, don't ask simple questions.. . are signs that a child has a speech delay that needs to be examined.
At the age of 3 - 4 years old, children who are slow to speak will show signs of not using personal pronouns (child, father, mother, grandmother), not combining words into short sentences, and not understanding short instructions (such as: : "please take my shoes"), unclear words that make listeners don't understand, don't ask questions, have little interest in story books, don't care/interact with other children, difficult to separate from parents..
In general, at the age of 3 months - 2 years, about 1/5 of children show signs of speech delay, but most children will catch up with them when they grow up. However, for children with mild hearing loss, children can develop language like other children but will start to have difficulties when they reach school age due to poor hearing in noisy environments and distances. far. Therefore, if the child has any abnormal signs according to the above timeline, the first thing parents need to do is check their child's hearing ability.

Thắc mắc khi nào nên cho bé đi khám chậm nói là vấn đề được nhiều bà mẹ quan tâm
Thắc mắc khi nào nên cho bé đi khám chậm nói là vấn đề được nhiều bà mẹ quan tâm

4. Children who are slow to speak and how to overcome them

The very first measure to overcome the child's delay in speech is for parents to communicate regularly with their children, and at the same time encourage and praise them when they talk; Encourage children to talk: Parents need to give attention and comprehensive care to their children, thereby promoting language ability depending on the child's age. Children have the ability to listen and understand before they can speak on their own, so parents need to take measures to stimulate children to speak early; Read books and stories to your child often. Practice for children the habit of focusing on the opposite person or on certain objects that parents mention; The topic of communication should be intuitive, involve familiar items or are in front of you or refer to what is happening; Do not force, instead encourage and praise when the child learns to speak; Should teach children simple words, easy to understand, maybe familiar stories every day; Practice hearing different sounds or communicating through images or body language; Do not allow children to watch television or use electronic devices too much. Parents can watch together with their children appropriate entertainment such as animation, children's music to help children learn new words and build language reflexes. When a child shows signs of speech delay, parents should observe and monitor changes and take the child to a medical center for examination and a doctor will have an appropriate treatment plan.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.

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