When is the most accurate time to calculate gestational age?

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Fetal ultrasound helps parents monitor their baby's development right from the time it's still in the womb. Ultrasound shows the exact gestational age to perform screening, vaccination on time, helping doctors calculate the due date for the mother. So when is the best time to calculate gestational age?

1. Calculation of gestational age

We cannot know exactly when the fetus was formed. Because not every sex can be successfully conceived, egg and sperm also need time to meet and fertilize. Therefore, obstetricians have offered 3 ways to calculate gestational age as follows:
Calculation of gestational age based on menstrual cycle: The gestational age of the baby is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. For example, your last period is on January 1, you find out you are pregnant and today is January 31, your fetus has been 5 weeks and 2 days. This is only a general estimate, as the actual pregnancy is not formed that day. In addition, many women have irregular menstrual cycles, some have a 28-day cycle, some have a 30, 40-day cycle. The error of this calculation of gestational age is quite large, can be up to 2-3 weeks. Calculating gestational age based on the date of intercourse and ovulation: If you remember the date of intercourse or have sex on the day of ovulation, you can calculate the fetal age according to that day. There are cases that confirm the date of intercourse and conception, the gestational age will be calculated from that date and added 2 weeks. However, not everyone can calculate the exact day of their ovulation. Therefore, this calculation method is not commonly applied. Calculating gestational age based on ultrasound: Based on the development of the fetus through ultrasound images, the doctor can calculate the gestational age.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về dấu hiệu mang thai sớm?

Các dấu hiệu mang thai sớm không phải chỉ mỗi trễ kinh mà còn có rất nhiều dấu hiệu khác như xuất huyết âm đạo, ngực căng tức,… Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu dấu hiệu mang thai sớm thông qua bài trắc nghiệm này nhé!

Calculating gestational age based on ultrasound is a scientific method of calculating gestational age and gives the least error. However, the first trimester ultrasound, second trimester and third trimester ultrasound can give different gestational age results, with a difference of 1-7 days. So when is the best time to calculate gestational age?

2. When is the best time to calculate gestational age?

Ultrasound can tell gestational age thanks to fetal development. For example, about 5-6 weeks pregnant will begin to implant in the uterus, 7-8 weeks pregnant will have a fetal heart. When the pregnancy is larger, about 20-30 weeks, the doctor will measure the biparietal diameter to calculate the gestational age. Beyond 30 weeks, gestational age will be much more difficult to calculate, the accuracy is significantly reduced.

Siêu âm thai 3 tháng đầu tính tuổi thai đúng nhất
Siêu âm thai 3 tháng đầu tính tuổi thai đúng nhất

First trimester ultrasound, also known as first trimester ultrasound, gives the most accurate gestational age. Therefore, doctors often use 12-week fetal ultrasound results as a basis for calculating the due date for pregnant women. The ultrasound scans when the fetus is grown is recorded by the doctor based on the measurements of the fetus, this result is only the basis for the doctor to comment on the development of the fetus.
To calculate the exact gestational age requires a doctor with good qualifications and experience, a system of modern ultrasound equipment to give the most accurate indicators. Vinmec International General Hospital is a high-quality medical facility that is highly appreciated by customers for its quality of examination and treatment as well as professional services. Vinmec has the most modern equipment system, with the most advanced ultrasound machines in the world and a team of experienced obstetricians in prenatal diagnosis and intervention to help monitor and detect early fetal malformations.
Vinmec provides all-inclusive maternity services (12-27-36 weeks), in which the 12-week maternity package helps monitor the health of mother and baby right from the beginning of pregnancy, early detection and intervention. timely health problems. In addition to the usual services, the maternity monitoring program from 12 weeks has special services that other maternity packages do not have such as: Double Test or Triple Test to screen for fetal malformations; Quantitative angiogenesis factor test to diagnose preeclampsia; thyroid screening test; Rubella test; Testing for parasites transmitted from mother to child seriously affects the baby's brain and physical development after birth. After the results of antenatal care and testing are available, doctors will analyze and advise on genetics, nutrition, and a reasonable rest regimen for pregnant women to help mothers and babies have the best health, and develop fetuses. overview.
If you have a need to use maternity services at Vinmec, please register directly at the website to be served.

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