When do children grow taller?

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From birth to about 1 or 2 years old, children develop at a rapid rate. After that, the growth rate slows down until the child begins to grow rapidly in adolescence. Therefore, in order for children to grow taller, parents need to supplement with adequate nutrients to meet the needs of the child corresponding to each stage.

1. When do children develop height?

Growth in height is one of the signs that a child is growing well. In addition, physical growth also manifests through weight gain and other body changes such as hair growth, teething and tooth replacement, and finally body changes during puberty such as puberty. broken voice, menstruating.
So "at what stage does the child develop the fastest height", according to which from birth, if the child is healthy and well cared for, the child's height will continuously increase. The first year of life is the period of fastest and most amazing height growth. An average newborn baby grows by 25 cm in height.
After the first year, the child's height still increases gradually but the rate may slow down. Some parents may be surprised and worried when they realize their child is no longer growing in height so quickly, but this is not a cause for concern. After 1 year of age, a child's height growth slows down a bit. By the age of 2, height growth usually continues at a fairly steady rate. On average each year, children grow about 6 cm in height until adolescence.
However, not every child has a perfectly steady rate of growth throughout childhood. Most children will have weeks or months of slightly slower growth interspersed with periods of excess growth. Interestingly, children actually tend to grow a little faster in the spring than at other times of the year.
Besides the first year of life, puberty is the period when children grow in height at an amazing rate. Girls go through puberty between 8 and 13 years old, while boys go through puberty between 10 and 15 years old. Puberty lasts about 2 to 5 years. In addition to height, the dramatic growth spurts during puberty are associated with the development of sexual characteristics, including the appearance of pubic and underarm hair, and the growth and development of pubic hair. genitalia, girls begin to menstruate. By the time girls are 15 years old and boys are 16 or 17 years old, pubertal development has ended and they will have reached physical maturity.
Starting from infancy, children should be taken to a doctor for regular checkups. During this process, your doctor will record your child's height and weight on a growth chart. This tool can help a doctor determine if a child is growing at an appropriate rate or there may be a problem.

Muốn trẻ phát triển chiều cao cha mẹ cần có chế độ dinh dưỡng phù hợp
Muốn trẻ phát triển chiều cao cha mẹ cần có chế độ dinh dưỡng phù hợp

2. What should I do if I want children to grow taller?

If you want your child to develop a normal and healthy height, parents can guide the child to do a few things:
Get enough rest: Sleep plays an important role in a child's development. The needs and characteristics of sleep vary by age and child. Most children need an average of 10 to 12 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is a time that provides a child's rapidly growing body a chance to recover from a long day of learning and play. Good nutrition: A balanced diet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals will be an effective method if you want your child to grow up to the right height. Exercise regularly: Besides the goal of reasonable height growth, obesity is also a common health problem among children, parents should ensure that their children exercise regularly. Cycling, hiking, skating, sports or any other interesting activities that promote children's movement will promote health and develop a reasonable height. Talking to Children About Development: Every child is different in their growth and development during childhood. Girls go through puberty earlier than boys, although some girls may experience developmental delays later than their peers, such as developing breasts or getting their first period later. All of these are usually normal. Try to avoid comparing development between siblings or other children. For example, comparing heights will only make children feel self-conscious about their size. Encourage your child to accept their own growth and development. Explain that some children grow and develop at different rates, children who develop late often catch up with their adult peers. Children have many questions about their development, from why teeth fall out to other delicate or embarrassing topics like breast growth or sweating. When children ask questions, parents should answer them honestly and even start talking about development to help children understand the changes they are facing. This will help them accept change in a more positive way. Short children often face teasing from peers and may need help. Parents should be the first to encourage and strengthen children's self-esteem. For example, a small boy who might find it difficult to join the basketball team. So explain that your child has other alternatives, such as soccer or tennis. This can make children feel better about themselves and more confident about what they can do. Try to understand your child's feelings and keep links open between parents and children.
If you think there is a problem with your child's growth, first, parents can rest easy knowing that most children who are short or even retarded are healthy and normal. One possible explanation for this is situations such as shorter parents have a lower propensity to have children and not all children develop at the same rate. If you're concerned, talk to your pediatrician. The doctor may examine the child, ask questions about the family history and, if necessary, order tests to see if the child's health is normal.

Muốn trẻ phát triển chiều cao, bố mẹ cần bổ sung đầy đủ các chất dinh dưỡng, đáp ứng được nhu cầu của trẻ tương ứng với từng giai đoạn
Muốn trẻ phát triển chiều cao, bố mẹ cần bổ sung đầy đủ các chất dinh dưỡng, đáp ứng được nhu cầu của trẻ tương ứng với từng giai đoạn

3. What to eat for children to grow taller?

In case the child's height is not correct, parents often worry and wonder "how or what to eat for children to develop a reasonable height". According to recommendations, food plays a decisive role in the growth of height in children. Therefore, if you want your child to develop the best height, you should add the following foods in your child's daily nutrition:
Eggs: Protein is the foundation of a child's physical development and eggs are the foundation of the child's physical development. a protein-rich food. Instead of just giving them milk and cereal or bread for breakfast, offer them egg-based options to provide them with a healthy dose of protein, complex carbs, and calcium. A nutritious breakfast will help children feel full and learn and play more effectively during the day.
Yogurt: Probiotics found in yogurt keep your child's intestines healthy and the digestive system is the starting place for overall health. Yogurt is also rich in vitamin D and calcium, thus essential for strong bones and good height. Milk: Milk is an essential part of a child's diet. Make sure your child drinks at least two glasses of milk a day to get the calcium, vitamin-D and protein they need. Add to milk nuts like almonds and saffron for extra nutrition.
Soybeans: Soybeans are rich in plant protein and support muscle growth in young children. If your child is lactose intolerant and can't digest animal milk, choose soy milk to supplement vitamin D, calcium and protein in your child's diet. Also choose soy and other soy products to create delicious recipes for your child.
Fruits: Fresh and seasonal fruits are full of vitamins and minerals needed for protein synthesis in the body. Children should eat at least 2-3 fruits per day. This way, the child will receive the most natural supply of multivitamins. Eating fruit at snacks also helps children feel full for a long time and avoids processed foods that negatively affect children's development.
In short, in order for children to develop the correct height, parents need to supplement with adequate nutrients to meet the needs of the child corresponding to each stage. In addition, the baby also needs to add the necessary micronutrients: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat delicious , reach the right height and weight and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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