What to do if you test positive for hepatitis B virus?

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Hello doctor. Please advise me the following case: I have hepatitis B since 3rd grade, this year I am more than 50 years old. I always thought I was cured a long time ago because I didn't feel the impact of this problem on my health. However, during a comprehensive physical examination (including a hepatitis B test), the hepatitis B index was positive. I was surprised, the doctor then advised... (I don't remember how to explain it because it's professional), that I don't have to worry, this is just an indicator that reflects the remaining traces of the virus. stay....
Could you please advise me on this case again, so that I can have a clearer orientation. Sincerely thank the doctor.
Anonymous question
His case is a chronic hepatitis B virus infection. The hepatitis B virus may not cause liver damage, but it can also cause conditions ranging from chronic inflammation to liver failure, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Severe complications of chronic hepatitis B may be completely invisible until they have progressed. Therefore, the fact that you have no symptoms does not rule out hepatitis B infection.
You need to see a specialist doctor for specific assessment, treatment planning and follow-up. Even in this case, he does not need to take medicine, he still needs to be monitored periodically every 6 months, in order to detect hepatitis that needs to be treated and screen for liver cancer early.
You can register for an examination at a large medical center or a hospital under the Vinmec Health System across the country.
Thank you for sending a question to Vinmec, looking forward to meeting you for more specific advice.
Answered by Doctor Tran Thi Phuong Thuy - Hepatobiliary specialist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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