What to do if a child falls, hits his teeth on a hard object?

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Children can injure their teeth from a fall or from playing or doing sports. Lesions can be primary teeth (children) or permanent teeth (adults). A tooth can be cracked, chipped, or completely detached from the socket. Your child may experience bleeding in the area, pain, or increased sensitivity when the tooth is injured.

1. What to do when a child falls and injures his teeth?

Specific treatment for a tooth when a child falls and breaks a tooth is determined by a doctor or dentist. In general, the following guidelines can help you handle the situation:
Stay calm and reassure your child. If the spot is bleeding, place a small folded gauze on the spot and have your child bite or hold it in place with strong pressure. Give your child cool water or ice to help reduce swelling and pain. If the tooth is chipped or cracked, remove all the pieces of the tooth. Make sure a piece of tooth is not stuck to your lips, tongue, or gums. Contact your dentist for follow-up and extra care. Sharp or chipped tooth edges may need to be smoothed and further treatment may be needed to preserve the tooth. Loose teeth may need to be stabilized. A severely injured or loose tooth that cannot be rearranged may need to be removed.

Bác sĩ hoặc nha sĩ sẽ trực tiếp kiểm tra và điều trị khi trẻ bị ngã gãy răng
Bác sĩ hoặc nha sĩ sẽ trực tiếp kiểm tra và điều trị khi trẻ bị ngã gãy răng

2. Take your baby to dental treatment when the tooth is chipped

If the child's teeth and gums look fine and do not seem to be in pain, the child should be fine without an oral exam. If a tooth is chipped or cracked and your baby seems to be in pain, you should take your baby to the dentist right away because part of the nerve may be damaged. You should also take your child to the dentist if the teeth are very loose.
The doctor will look at your baby for a tooth that doesn't seem to be in the right place. Evaluate whether it needs to be repositioned. If a chipped tooth doesn't seem to be a bother to your baby, make an appointment with your dentist to evaluate if there's a crack underneath or other damage that you can't see. The dentist will repair the tooth by filing or sealing it with an adhesive material.

3. What to do when the baby tooth is injured?

Baby teeth are important because they help your child eat and learn to speak and because they hold a place in a child's mouth for the permanent teeth to erupt properly. However, if a baby tooth falls out, it usually doesn't matter because the permanent tooth will eventually erupt in its proper place. See your dentist right away if necessary to make sure that none of the underlying teeth are damaged and that the permanent teeth will have enough room to erupt into place without the baby teeth taking their place.

Sau khi răng sữa bị rụng thì sẽ có răng vĩnh viễn mọc đúng vị trí của nó
Sau khi răng sữa bị rụng thì sẽ có răng vĩnh viễn mọc đúng vị trí của nó

4. When to call the dentist?

Any trauma to the tooth that results in loose or chipped teeth, sharp or rough edges, or if the tooth is fragile. Any signs of infection following a tooth injury, such as fever, or increased pain, swelling, or drainage from the site. Any concerns you have about the injury or if you have any questions. Prevent tooth trauma.

5. Some guidelines to prevent baby injuries

You can't completely prevent accidents, but you can greatly help by shielding your child in your home to reduce the number and severity of your baby's falls:
Always wear a seat belt Have your baby sit in the car seat. Teach your child not to walk or run with a hard object (like a lollipop or a toothbrush) in his mouth. Have your child wear a mouth guard when participating in sports activities that could lead to injury. When a child has abnormal signs of health, parents can take the child to Vinmec Health system for timely examination and treatment.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.

Che chắn và đảm bảo an toàn cho trẻ sẽ giúp giảm thiểu số lần và mức độ nghiêm trọng khi bé ngã
Che chắn và đảm bảo an toàn cho trẻ sẽ giúp giảm thiểu số lần và mức độ nghiêm trọng khi bé ngã
Reference source: babycenter.com
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