What tea to drink to improve blood fat?

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Hyperlipidemia is a disorder of blood lipid metabolism, in which the LDL-Cholesterol component is elevated and the "protective body fat" or HDL-Cholesterol component is reduced. The disease causes severe complications on blood vessels such as coronary artery disease, stroke, blood clots... So what tea should be consumed and what foods should be used to improve blood lipids?

1. What is high cholesterol?

High blood fat is caused by the decline in the metabolic function of organs and organs in the body, stagnation of phlegm in the meridians that cause disease.
The disease is common in people with obesity, high blood pressure, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, people with little physical activity, inactive people, people with a family history of cardiovascular disease coronary , hyperlipidemia , myocardial infarction , cerebrovascular accident ...

2. 5 effective foods to reduce blood fat that patients should use

Recent studies have proven that a healthy diet is very effective in controlling blood fat. Patients can refer to the following top 5 effective foods to reduce blood fat:
Soybean: According to many different studies, soybeans have the ability to help reduce blood fat in people with high blood fat. higher. At the same time, this is also a food that helps lower blood pressure for people with high blood pressure problems. In addition, soybeans also help to reduce the rate of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, support to prevent osteoporosis - especially for women of menopause age, support to improve physical activity. Brainstorming prevents confusion in the elderly. Oatmeal: Has a good effect in supporting cholesterol reduction, supporting the prevention of the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is a food that contains a large amount of fiber, especially soluble fiber. Therefore, it can help lower bad cholesterol and blood sugar. Besides, the beta glucan component in oats also helps slow down the absorption of cholesterol in the body, which is very good for people with high blood fat. Green bean sprouts: This is a very good cholesterol-lowering food, rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, minerals, and protein. The dish with sprouting bean sprouts contains 7 times higher vitamin C content than mature bean sprouts. Vitamin C has a good effect in promoting cholesterol excretion, preventing cholesterol from accumulating in artery walls. At the same time, the fiber in mung bean sprouts can help eliminate waste products in the body. In addition, it can also dissolve with cholesterol in food to convert to cholic acid to be excreted from the body, thereby reducing cholesterol. Delicious dishes from mung bean sprouts can be mentioned as salads, salads, stir-fries... Brown rice, also known as whole grain rice, is rice that does not lose its membrane when milled. Brown rice is rich in the nutritional component gamma orizanol (GO). This substance works to block the absorption of cholesterol from the intestines into the blood, secreted by the liver and eliminated from the body. In addition, the natural micronutrients in brown rice such as vitamins, especially vitamin E; essential fatty acids; Antioxidants and fiber help bile secrete into the intestinal lumen to remove cholesterol from the body. Almonds: These are nuts that contain large amounts of unsaturated fats; Minerals and vitamins have the effect of reducing bad cholesterol. In addition, almonds also control blood lipid disorders. In particular, almonds contain Flavonoid antioxidants that support heart health and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The saturated fats, rich in calcium and vitamin D in almonds are good for heart health and lower blood cholesterol. Some dishes with almonds such as almonds in salads; Mix with unsweetened yogurt for a snack or eat with chicken breast.

3. What water should I drink with high blood fat?

3.1. According to studies, it has been shown that the composition of green tea contains antioxidant components that are able to prevent LDL cholesterol from being oxidized, helping to prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries. . It is also effective in protecting the body against the harmful effects of a high-fat diet.
Some ways to use green tea to reduce blood fat such as:
Directly drinking products extracted from green tea leaves... Drinking green tea about 3-5 cups a day can cause disruption of cholesterol synthesis bad in the liver and enhance the removal of cholesterol from the blood. One note when using green tea is not to drink green tea on an empty stomach or before going to bed. Undesirable effects may cause nausea, vomiting. In particular, the caffeine in green tea is a nerve stimulant that can cause insomnia.
3.2. Black tea water Black tea contains many health-promoting substances such as polyphenols, flavonoids... According to recent research, drinking 5 servings of black tea a day reduces bad cholesterol by 11% in people with mildly elevated cholesterol levels. . Moreover, this tea is also effective for weight loss in overweight or obese people.
3.3. Musk tea leaves are grown mainly in the high mountains of Hoa Binh. It has long appeared in traditional medicine with the effect of reducing blood fat and fatty liver. In the composition of black tea, there are precious active ingredients such as Flavonoid, Quinon, Saponin Triterpenoid, Maytenfolone A. They slow down the oxidation process, prevent the formation of atherosclerosis, eliminate excess fat from the body. .
You can dry 50 grams of fenugreek leaves and boil it with 1.5 liters of water for 10 minutes. Then, drain the water to drink instead of tea daily. The usage of musk bean tea is simpler than that of brewing tea.
3.4. Lotus leaf tea The answer to the question of what blood fat to drink is definitely lotus leaf tea. It appeared in the book "Bayota Gong Mu" as a tea with the effect of reducing fat and purifying the body. Lotus leaves are easy to find and also chosen by many people who want to lose weight.
How to prepare lotus leaf tea as follows: To make lotus leaf tea to reduce blood fat, you need to buy fresh lotus leaves. Every day 1 leaf washed and cooked with drinking water instead of daily tea.
3.5. Red artichoke tea Red artichoke tea is considered a "panacea" to help cool the liver and detoxify the liver. The active ingredient hibitocin in the composition of red artichoke flowers is said to have the ability to bring cholesterol levels to the allowable limit.
How to make artichoke tea as follows: Every day drink 30 grams of dried red artichoke flowers with 700ml of boiling water. This tea will help regulate blood fat.
3.6. Lingzhi Tea Lingzhi herbal tea has the effect of reducing blood fat and blood fat disorders, helping to detoxify the liver. To use Ganoderma lucidum tea, you first need to buy quality Ganoderma and then grind it into a powder. Every day, you steep 3 grams of mushroom powder with boiling water for 20 minutes.
3.7. Jiaogulan blood fat reduction tea Jiaogulan is a familiar medicine for many people. Antioxidant Saponin in Jiaogulan has the effect of neutralizing free radicals, protecting liver cells. For people with fatty blood, it has the effect of helping to reduce bad fat and increase good fat. You can boil tea or brew 20 grams of Jiaogulan tea to drink during the day.
3.8. Ginger tea Ginger tea is a commonly used tea with a very good cough and cold effect. At the same time, ginger tea also has a good effect in reducing blood fat. Active ingredient gingerol in the composition of ginger helps to break down fat in the body.
How to make ginger tea as follows: Fresh ginger peeled, washed, thinly sliced. Then, you add 5 slices of fresh ginger to the pot and boil for 10 minutes and then pour into a cup to enjoy. You can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to ginger tea to increase the attractive feeling.
3.9. Chrysanthemum tea Chamomile tea has a good effect in reducing blood fat thanks to the effect of active ingredients flavones. Moreover, it also has good effects in lowering blood pressure, cooling the liver, detoxifying, protecting the heart. You should drink up to 2 cups of chamomile tea per day.

4. Some notes when using tea to reduce blood fat

To ensure good and safe medical treatment support, you should pay attention:
Drinking tea to lower blood fat is just a supportive method, so it shouldn't be overused, it will have a counterproductive effect. You should not drink solid tea because it will interfere with the functioning of the digestive system, causing iron deficiency anemia. Especially for people who are suffering from diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, kidney inflammation. Drink tea while it is still warm to avoid cold stomach. On the contrary, you should not drink too hot tea because teas above 65 degrees Celsius can hurt the stomach. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach because it will make your stomach growl and nauseous. Do not drink tea immediately after eating because it will cause indigestion. Instead, drink tea 30 minutes after a meal. Do not drink tea that has been left overnight. Because at this time, microorganisms or molds will appear in the tea causing poisoning. People who are sick or are being treated for stomach diseases should not use the method of drinking tea to reduce blood fat.

5. How to prevent high blood fat

You need to go for regular check-ups and check your blood fat every 3-6 months. Prevention and active treatment of diseases that can cause hyperlipidemia such as nephrotic syndrome, cholestatic cirrhosis... co-morbid diseases such as hypertension, gout, coronary artery disease, etc. diabetes, ... can lead to dangerous complications. Control your weight to avoid being overweight or obese. Be active whenever possible such as walking, jogging, aerobics or participating in other sports. Proper and balanced nutrition: limit the use of animal fat and replace it with vegetable oil; increase and add more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, black sesame, peanuts. At the same time, you should give up bad habits such as drinking wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages; Quit smoking if yes... So, what kind of tea should you drink with high blood fat or high blood fat? There are answers. Hopefully the information in the above article can help you gain more information about blood lipids to adjust your diet effectively, avoiding complications of high cholesterol that affect your health.

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