What is vestibular disorder? Why annoying?

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Vestibular disorders can be caused by damage to the central nervous system, diseases of the vestibular, cardiovascular, ocular, and psychiatric systems, and sometimes caused by certain drugs, most of which are caused by vestibular damage.

1. Why is vestibular disorder annoying?

Vestibular disorder is a disease that occurs in all ages, more common in adulthood. The disease causes fatigue, affecting health and life.
The vestibule is a part located behind the cochlea on both sides - this is a system that plays an important role in controlling the balance of the body, regulating balance, posture, gestures and coordination other parts of the body such as eye, head, and trunk movements.

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2. Causes of vestibular disorders

The main causes of vestibular disease:
Low blood pressure, cerebral ischemia, stroke, cardiovascular diseases,... causing blockage of blood vessels. Stress (insomnia, work pressure). When stressed, the body produces a large amount of cortisol, which damages the nervous system. In which the 8th nerve is damaged, causing the vestibular system to receive incorrect information and work improperly. Complications of some diseases such as neuritis, brain tumor, neuroma, otitis media,.... Elderly people have impaired function of some organs. Obesity or malnutrition are also indirect causes of vestibular disorders. Abuse of alcohol.

Lạm dụng rượu bia là một trong nhiều nguyên nhân gây rối loạn tiền đình
Lạm dụng rượu bia là một trong nhiều nguyên nhân gây rối loạn tiền đình

3. Prevention of vestibular disorders

Exercise regularly. For those who work in offices, sit for many hours at the computer continuously, they should regularly practice neck and shoulder movement exercises. Avoid stress, prolonged stress. Do not read books or newspapers while sitting in the car, sitting or lying down immediately when feeling dizzy. Drink 2 liters of water every day. The body should not be too dehydrated. Limit drinking beer, alcohol, smoking. For people with vestibular disorders should pay attention to gentle head and neck activities. Do not turn your neck suddenly or get up and down too quickly.
The current treatment of vestibular disorders is mainly medical treatment and absolutely must comply with the doctor's instructions on drug use. According to the doctor's orders, only then can it be effective and prevent recurrence.

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