What is the sign of pain in the right side of the navel?

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Hello doctor. After having a full breakfast, in the right area of ​​​​the navel, about 0.5cm away, there is a sharp pain, as if there is a feeling of a thorn in that place. The pain is constant, but not too painful. Please ask the doctor, what is the sign of pain in the right side of the navel? I would like to thank you.
Nguyen Hoang (1987)
Hello! The right side of the navel has many organs such as liver, gallbladder, head of pancreas, right kidney, duodenal bulb... When damage to one of those organs can cause pain, the degree of pain will depend on each disease and disease stage.
Pain is not clear, after eating a full meal may be a manifestation of inflammation or ulceration of the duodenal bulb, but you only have pain after eating breakfast and do not know if it is accompanied by sadness or defecation, if so, You may also have irritable bowel syndrome.
You should go to the doctor and do an early gastrointestinal endoscopy, some cases have a little bit of abdominal pain like you but already have ulcers.
You can go directly to the hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined by a doctor and have more detailed advice on what is the sign of pain in the right navel area? Wishing you good health always.

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Answered by Specialist Doctor I Dong Xuan Ha - Digestive Endoscopy Doctor - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital
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