What is the reason for heavy menstrual bleeding? How to treat?

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Doctor, I have a menstrual period that lasts more than 1 week, bleeding a lot, sometimes it drips a lot, sometimes it gets better but it doesn't stop, does it feel normal? Can you tell me what's wrong with me and how to treat it?
Anonymous client questions
Hello doctor. Recently I had my period on time but it came out a lot and I got dizzy when lying down and standing up. Please advice on how to eat to treat this disease because I do not want to take medicine. Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer question
Hello. A normal cycle has an average menstrual period of 3-5 days. If the menstrual flow is heavy, the menstrual period is abnormally long (more than 7 days) and the blood loss is more than 80ml/cycle (while a woman normally only loses about 50-80ml of blood/menstrual cycle). ) is called menorrhagia.
Menorrhagia can be a manifestation of a common endocrine disorder or a warning sign of many dangerous diseases such as: Uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, hereditary blood clotting disorders, ...
You should go to a reputable medical facility, a specialist doctor for examination, diagnosis and treatment.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
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