What is the effect of soaked apricots?

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Eating sugar-soaked apricots will bring many health benefits to people such as clearing heat, reducing heat, preventing sunburn, reducing sweat, treating coughs as well as limiting the risk of cardiovascular diseases...

1. The nutrients present in apricots

Apricots contain a lot of nutrients beneficial to human health, they include: tartric acid, citric acid, sucrose, dextrin, isooquexetin, lycopene, vitamin C, quexitin, starch and carotene, .. .. In addition, the mycobacterium component present in apricots is a compound with effective antimicrobial effects.
In the soaked apricot juice (apricot soaked in sugar) there is an abundant amount of vitamins, very good in oxygen metabolism in cells, reducing the risk of myocardial infarction, respiratory disease, atherosclerosis as well as inflammatory diseases or diseases. cirrhosis in the early stages.
On the other hand, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. contained in apricots can convert vitamin A, thereby helping the human body to resist attack from free radical cells, bringing benefits. great benefits for health.

2. What is the effect of soaked apricots?

Many people do not know "what are the benefits of soaked apricots?". However, in fact, eating apricots soaked in sugar regularly will be very beneficial for health, specifically:
Clear heat, reduce fire: When you come back from the sun, drinking a glass of apricot juice soaked in sugar will help your body. heat dissipation; It protects against sunburn and fatigue as well as combats dry mouth and reduces perspiration and salt loss through perspiration. Cough treatment: Apricot soaked in sugar has a very good cough treatment effect. Therefore, when you have a cough, you should suck and swallow the juice slowly to help clear the throat. Besides, you can drink 1 glass of diluted apricot juice per day to help prevent mild cough and sore throat symptoms. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases: Sugar-soaked apricot juice contains fiber that lowers cholesterol in the body. Therefore, if you eat a lot of apricots soaked in sugar, it can help prevent cardiovascular diseases effectively. Brightens eyes: Apricots contain a lot of vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining and improving vision. Therefore, drinking a lot of apricot juice soaked in sugar will also help brighten the eyes, prevent free radicals from attacking the body, thereby avoiding eye diseases. Supports smooth skin: Sugar-soaked apricot juice contains a lot of vitamins A and C, so it is very good for the skin. The regular use of water from apricots soaked in sugar will give you a smooth, shiny skin.

Ăn quả mơ ngâm đường sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe cho con người
Ăn quả mơ ngâm đường sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe cho con người

3. How to make sugar-soaked apricots properly at home

Sugar-soaked apricot juice is a delicious and healthy drink. You can completely make your own sugar-soaked apricot juice at home for daily use by the following ways:
Step 1: Prepare 1kg of fresh apricots (should choose smooth and round apricots, reddish yellow color); 500g sugar; 100g of granulated salt; 1 clean glass jar and estimate the volume of the jar so that after pouring the soaked apricots in, there is 5cm left. Step 2: Prepare ingredients by removing bruised or mushy apricots. Then bring the apricots to soak with diluted salt water for the purpose of cleaning the fluff and disinfecting. After about 1 hour, if you notice that the outer hair of the apricot has fallen off, you should take it out and drain the water. Use a toothpick to remove the stem of the apricot, or you can also soak the apricot with clear lime water to make the apricot crunchier. Step 3: Thoroughly wash the glass jar with hot water and dry it thoroughly. Next, spread a layer of sugar to cover the bottom of the jar about 2cm, then spread a layer of apricots and continue to pour sugar into the water to flood 1cm. Repeat these steps until the sugar and apricot are about 5cm from the mouth of the jar. The way to leave the mouth of the bottle like that is so that when the apricots ferment, there will be a space for the gas to fly out and the jar will not be broken. Step 4: Add 1 pinch of salt to the jar before closing the lid to prevent the apricots from turning yellow. However, you should be careful not to give too much because salt will make the sweetness sharper, and the water will be brackish. Once the lid is closed, place the jar in a cool place. When soaking, you should occasionally use chopsticks to stir the sugar that has accumulated at the bottom of the jar. After a period of about 1 month, when the dream has shriveled up and emerged, it means you have done the right recipe.

4. Note when using sugar soaked apricots

When apricots soak in sugar for a long time, the more nutrients will be released and the more delicious the juice will be. Normally, apricots soaked in sugar can be kept for up to 6 months. Although very good for the human body, when using apricots soaked in sugar, people should also note the following basic things:
Do not use too much water from sugar-soaked apricots, caused by Apricot is a sour fruit, eating too much will damage tooth enamel. Therefore, every day you should only drink 1 cup of diluted apricot juice; The fluff part of apricots can make the throat itchy or cause allergies, so when processing, you should pay attention to soak and wash this part of the fluff thoroughly. Do not peel apricots because most of the antioxidants are in the skin of the apricot. It should be further noted that apricot juice soaked in sugar, although it brings many benefits to people, but for people with new-onset dysentery, malaria, dysentery..., sugar-soaked apricot juice is not good for health. strong. Therefore, it is best not to drink or only take it in small amounts to avoid unwanted side effects.

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