What is testicular tissue freezing?

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Cryopreservation of testicular tissue is one of the reproductive support measures in the treatment of male infertility and infertility, helping to reduce the number of times of testicular biopsy or epididymectomy, and the complications associated with testicular aspiration. may occur during the procedure, reducing the cost and time of treatment for the patient.

1. What is testicular tissue freezing?

Frozen testicle tissue is testicular tissue that is biopsied and cooled at low temperature, testicular tissue is stored in a cold storage environment, when necessary, it can be thawed to separate sperm, sperm culture within 24 hours for use as in vitro fertilization. Infertility cases with no sperm in the semen, blocked sperm ducts or no sperm ducts need to conceive by testicular biopsy or epididymectomy to get sperm to be fertilized in test tube. However, because it is not possible to fertilize only once, it is possible to have testicular biopsies or epididymectomy several times, which can cause complications, increase treatment costs... Recommended to reduce ears variable, saving treatment costs, reducing travel times and convenient for doctors during treatment, a method of freezing testicular tissue has been devised for convenient use in the future to avoid having to give birth. set many times.
Testicular tissue freezing method has been successfully applied, many children have been born healthy from cultured sperm after thawing testicular tissue and isolating sperm. Is an important step forward in assisted reproduction in the treatment of infertility .
Testicular tissue is frozen according to a process to ensure the most accurate, limiting the impact on sperm quality. After freezing the testicle tissue, if it is necessary to use it for fertilization, it should be thawed to separate the sperm. These two times are the times when the sperm quality can be reduced, so it should be done in specialized facilities, with adequate facilities and with a team of experienced professional medical staff.

Hình ảnh mô tinh hoàn
Hình ảnh mô tinh hoàn

2. Testicular tissue freezing procedure

2.1 Preparation
Prepare the patient: Before performing the freezing of testicular tissue, the patient must be examined, tested to confirm sperm in the testicle and consulted about possible problems during the test. testicular tissue freezing. Prepare tools to ensure sterility: Antiseptic forceps, cup containing antiseptic solution, knife, scissors, freezer, testicular tissue storage tube, tissue storage tank. Prepare other supplies: Petri dishes, freezing medium, liquid nitrogen, disinfectant solution.

Người bệnh cần được thăm khám trước khi thực hiện trữ đông mô tinh hoàn
Người bệnh cần được thăm khám trước khi thực hiện trữ đông mô tinh hoàn

2.2 Procedure
Examining and testing patients.
After examination, the patient meets the conditions for testicular tissue freezing. Conduct a biopsy to remove testicular tissue and then place it in a dish containing medium to clean. Testicular tissue is shredded with specialized tweezers, the tissue is determined for the presence of sperm, and the degree of motility is assessed under an inverted microscope. Separate each spermatogenesis tube for freezing. Drop and mix the cryoprotectant well into the separated spermatozoa tubes, shake the preservative well and place in the cryopreservation tubes. Leave the test tube at room temperature, then lower the temperature according to the program. Place the sample in a liquid nitrogen flask and store it refrigerated.

3. Meaning of testicular tissue freezing

The cryopreservation of testicular tissue will save the patient from having to go to the hospital many times without wasting time and effort. The procedure has to be done many times, which affects the psychology of the patient and the risk of scrotal hematoma during the procedure. Freezing testicular tissue reduces the number of times of testicular biopsies or epididymectomy, helping to reduce complications that can occur during the procedure. Reducing costs and treatment time for patients, doctors are more proactive in treatment because when needed, there is no need to wait for the patient to collect sperm, but only need to perform the procedure of thawing testicular tissue and separating sperm. Testicular tissue freezing is a new step that brings many important benefits to patients. It is one of the methods of assisted reproduction that has been successfully applied. Testicles after thawing are completely healthy.

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What temperature should sperm be stored at? Assisted reproductive techniques are performed at Vinmec Hospital To IVF Vinmec - A short path for families who want to cure infertility and infertility.
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