10 reasons why testicle pain is alarming

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The causes of pain in the testicles are mostly alarming. If you do not pay attention to find the cause in time, the consequences can be very dangerous.
Most men don't want to see a doctor. And when it comes to private screening, they are even more shy than women. Many people experience testicular pain but do not know the reason for the pain. However, they never admit to having pain in the scrotum and often try to pretend it doesn't.
If the cause is not found in time, the consequences can be very dangerous. In some cases, you may permanently lose one or both testicles. So, if your testicles are painful to the touch or last longer than a day, you should see your doctor.
There are different types of pain due to different causes. Sometimes, testicles hurt when you cough. In most cases, this is indicative of a hernia. Sometimes, the groin area may feel heavy and tight when you stand. It is often a sign of varicose veins in the testicles. Here are some of the most common causes of pain in the testicles. Do not ignore these types of pain because they are all potentially dangerous.

Nếu tinh hoàn của bạn bị đau khi sờ vào hoặc đau kéo dài quá một ngày, bạn cần đến gặp bác sĩ
Nếu tinh hoàn của bạn bị đau khi sờ vào hoặc đau kéo dài quá một ngày, bạn cần đến gặp bác sĩ

Varicose veins

Do you feel like your testicles are like a bag full of noodles when you stand up but back to normal when you sit down? This is a type of varicocele affecting the testicles. The veins in the scrotum become constricted and dilated leading to persistent pain and tenderness in the lower region.

ĩnh mạch ở bìu bị thắt lại và giãn ra dẫn tới đau và căng tức kéo dài ở vùng dưới
ĩnh mạch ở bìu bị thắt lại và giãn ra dẫn tới đau và căng tức kéo dài ở vùng dưới

Trauma and bleeding

Have you ever had a severe testicular impact? The impact can stop you breathing for a few seconds, but you can pull yourself back. Sometimes, a severe injury can cause blood to leak out of the scrotum. This condition can be cured with bed rest or minor surgical drainage.

Inguinal hernia

A hernia is a condition in which a part of the body is pushed out of its restricted normal position in the body. Inguinal hernia is a common problem in men. An inguinal hernia is usually where the testicles are joined to the body. When inguinal hernia, the patient feels severe pain in the inguinal region, one side of the scrotum swells up into a bulging mass due to the upper intestine pressing down. This scrotum becomes larger when the patient walks, runs, jumps or does heavy work, rests, and the swelling shrinks or disappears completely. The disease often requires surgical resection and it is best not to delay surgery.

Kidney stones

When a kidney stone is pushed down, it can cause severe pain to the testicle. But anyway, testicle pain caused by kidney stones is the best luck. Many people will sigh with relief that the testicles are safe.

Testicular torsion

Testicular torsion is a condition in which the spermatic cord is twisted, stopping the blood supply to the testicle, and the prolonged twisting time damages the testicular parenchyma. This leads to dull pain. If you delay getting to the doctor, you risk losing one testicle.


If you feel your testicles are tender and swollen, it could be because the epididymis in the testicles are infected with a bacteria or virus. This usually happens due to sexually transmitted diseases or urinary tract infections.

Nếu bạn cảm thấy tinh hoàn mềm và sưng viêm, có thể là do các ống mào tinh trong tinh hoàn bị nhiễm một loại vi khuẩn hoặc virus
Nếu bạn cảm thấy tinh hoàn mềm và sưng viêm, có thể là do các ống mào tinh trong tinh hoàn bị nhiễm một loại vi khuẩn hoặc virus

Testicle rupture

This condition is caused by rupture of the scrotal sac leading to bleeding and hemorrhage. This usually happens due to severe external impact due to sports injuries and traffic accidents.

Epididymal cyst

An epididymal cyst is basically a cyst that develops in a sperm duct. In the majority of cases this cyst is benign because it is formed by the accumulation of sperm. If the epididymis is too large, it can lead to tightness and pain.

Testicular cancer

It is a surprising fact that very few men experience pain with testicular cancer. Usually, testicular cancer is discovered when you feel a lump. But if the cancer is in the tumor stage, you may feel some pain.

Genital nerve damage

This type of nerve damage occurs from prolonged pressure on the testicles when you ride a bike. This condition causes severe pain and is often referred to as “Bicyclist's Syndrome”.
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