What is temporomandibular pain accompanied by difficulty swallowing and painful swallowing?

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Hello doctor! About 2 months ago, I had a pain in the temple and jaw, opening my mouth to eat and swallowing pain, difficult to swallow, but the next day it went away. But yesterday this situation started to happen again, even swallowing my saliva hurts a little in my right ear. So tell me, what disease is this?
Anonymous customer question
Hi, thank you for sending your question to Vinmec Health System, with your question, I would like to answer as follows: According to the symptoms you describe, it may be possible. you are suffering from temporomandibular joint inflammation accompanied by acute pharyngitis. To know the exact cause of the disease, you should see an Ear - Nose - Throat doctor for a detailed examination. In case you can't go to the doctor, you should pay attention to avoid getting cold, avoid opening your mouth, and don't chew on hard things. Hope you get well soon!
Specialist Doctor Ear, Nose Throat Doctor - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.

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