Home Tag Swallowing pain

Articles in Swallowing pain

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What is temporomandibular pain accompanied by difficulty swallowing and painful swallowing?
Hello doctor! About 2 months ago, I had a pain in the temple and jaw, opening my mouth to eat and swallowing pain, difficult to swallow, but the next day it went away. But yesterday this situation started to happen again, even swallowing my saliva hurts a little in my right ear. So tell me, what disease is this?
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Swallowing pain on one side of the throat with wheezing, chest pain is throat cancer?
Hello doctor, I have a sore throat on one side and it is painful to swallow, wheezing and accompanied by pain in the right chest for a long time. I had an endoscopy, the doctor said there was pus in the right throat, but taking the medicine did not go away.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics