What is suffocation? Why do you suffocate?

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Asphyxiation occurs when the body does not receive enough oxygen and leads to unconsciousness. Any disruption to the process of breathing in oxygen or exhaling carbon dioxide can lead to unconsciousness or even death.

1. What is suffocation?

Asphyxiation is a lack of oxygen in the body causing unconsciousness and can lead to death. Causes include obstruction of the airway due to diseases or the presence of foreign bodies or living conditions outside the body.
Normal breathing begins with taking in oxygen, the lungs send that oxygen into the bloodstream and carry it to the tissues. The cells then use it to generate energy. Any disruption to the process of breathing in oxygen or exhaling carbon dioxide can lead to unconsciousness or even death.

Ngạt thở là hiện tượng cơ thể thiếu oxy
Ngạt thở là hiện tượng cơ thể thiếu oxy

2. Physical suffocation

One type of asphyxiation is called "physical" or "mechanical." It occurs when a force or object holds the breath. Many accidents can lead to this phenomenon such as when food or an object gets stuck in the airways and prevents air from entering the lungs. Elderly people are more likely to have this condition, especially those who live alone, wear dentures, or have difficulty swallowing. Babies and toddlers also have higher rates of choking because of things they put in their mouths. Illness or injury, like heart failure, a broken neck, or an allergic reaction that causes the airways to swell and close, can also cause physical asphyxiation.
Suffocate . It is different from suffocation. Asphyxiation occurs when something you eat or drink "goes down the wrong pipe" and enters your airways or lungs. Drowning is the most common type of aspiration. Smothering occurs when a heavy object covers the face or chest and prevents breathing. It also happens when we are in a place where there is no oxygen, such as in an enclosed, airtight space. Strangulated . If a rope or rope or other object long enough to go around the neck presses on the airway, it will block air from entering the lungs. Medicine-shocked . Opioids affect breathing. When a dose is too high, it can slow your breathing so that your body doesn't get enough oxygen.

Ngạt thở xảy ra khi một thứ gì đó bạn ăn hoặc uống
Ngạt thở xảy ra khi một thứ gì đó bạn ăn hoặc uống

3. Birth asphyxiation

Sometimes, an unborn baby can get too little oxygen during pregnancy. This can happen, for example, due to a lack of oxygen in the mother's blood or a problem with the placenta. During delivery, the baby is also unable to get oxygen because of umbilical cord problems or long labor.

4. Epilepsy

It can cause asphyxiation in many ways. Seizures can cause breathing to stop suddenly (also known as apnea) and reduce oxygen in the body to life-threatening levels. Also, during a seizure, the body can move in such a way that the airways become blocked, obstructing breathing.

Động kinh có thể làm cho hơi thở đột ngột ngừng lại
Động kinh có thể làm cho hơi thở đột ngột ngừng lại

5. Chemical Asphyxiation

Another type of asphyxiation is called "chemical asphyxiation." In this type, a chemical keeps oxygen from reaching the cells. Chemicals that can cause asphyxiation include:
Carbon monoxide . It is a colorless, odorless gas that comes from the burning of various fuels. If too much is inhaled, gas builds up in the body and displaces oxygen in the blood. Cyanide keeps cells from taking in oxygen and leads to the risk of cyanide poisoning if smoke is inhaled during a fire or when exposed to certain industrial chemicals or working in jobs such as mining or machining. metal. Hydrogen sulfide. This gas smells like rotten eggs. It can come from sewage, liquid manure, sulfur hot springs, and natural gas. If inhaled too much, it can prevent oxygen from getting into cells, like cyanide. Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consulting services. and comprehensive, professional medical treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.
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Articles refer to the source: webmd.com
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