What is fulvic acid and does it have any benefits?

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Fulvic acid is considered a humus substance, found in soil, compost, marine sediments and wastewater. Fulvic acid is a product of decomposition and is formed through geochemical and biological reactions.

1. What is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic Acid is a natural nutrient carrier that has the property of being free to bind nutrients and minerals. Furthermore, this acid is so small that it can move across cell membranes.
Fulvic acid is a liquid molecule, extremely light. Pure Fulvic acid is unbound, which means it has no bound minerals and metals. The two properties include the light weight and unbound state of the molecule. Fulvic acid can move from cell to cell, carrying nutrients and removing metals from cells. A few rules for determining the quality of Fulvic acid:
Pure Fulvic acid is yellow. Fulvic acid is as unbound as possible, so that it can bind with nutrients. A good way to determine the purity of Fulvic acid is by taste. Fulvic acid has no taste. Fulvic acid is completely soluble.

2. Potential benefits of fulvic acid

Research demonstrates that both fulvic acid can have a wide variety of health-promoting properties.
2.1 Can reduce inflammation and boost immunity There have been many studies showing that Fulvic acid has anti-inflammatory effects, strengthening the body's immune system to fight disease.

Axit fulvic có thể giúp cơ thể tăng cường hệ miễn dịch
Axit fulvic có thể giúp cơ thể tăng cường hệ miễn dịch

Test-tube and animal studies suggest that fulvic acid can improve disease resistance, increase immune defenses, fight inflammation, and enhance antioxidant activity - all of which may increase Boost immune health. Fulvic acid may be especially helpful for reducing inflammation, which negatively affects the immune response and is linked to many chronic diseases. 2.2 May protect brain function In vitro studies have shown that fulvic acid inhibits the clumping process of certain proteins . These are proteins that accelerate brain diseases like Alzheimer's disease.

2.3 Other Potential Benefits Fulvic acid may provide a number of other health benefits such as:
May lower cholesterol. Animal studies show that fulvic acid can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and according to a study of 30 people, this acid can also increase HDL (good) cholesterol. May reduce the fear of heights. Fulvic acid can help treat this condition by boosting the immune response, stimulating energy production, and improving oxygen levels. May enhance cell function. Animal studies demonstrate that shilajit can preserve the function of mitochondria, the cell's energy-producing organ.

Axit Fulvic có thể làm giảm bệnh sợ độ cao ở người bệnh
Axit Fulvic có thể làm giảm bệnh sợ độ cao ở người bệnh
Although fulvic acid is associated with many potential health benefits, human studies are still rather limited.

3. fulvic acid side effects and dosage

A study in 30 men concluded that a daily dose of 0.5 ounces (15mL) can be used safely without the risk of side effects. Higher doses may cause mild side effects, such as: Headache, diarrhea, and sore throat. Children and pregnant or nursing women should avoid fulvic acid due to lack of safety information. Finally, fulvic acid can react with some medications, so you should consult your doctor before using it. Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as if you want to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online. online HERE.
Reference source: healthline.com

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