What is family planning?

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This article is professionally consulted by Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital. The doctor has many years of experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Family planning is a method of birth control that is planned according to economic conditions, family capabilities and national circumstances. Well-implemented family planning helps protect people's health and contributes to sustainable social development.

1. The concept of family planning

Family planning is the process of controlling fertility, adjusting the birth interval and number of children in a family. There are many safe and effective birth control methods that help couples make good family planning.
Family planning includes the use of natural birth control, birth control methods, methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy and also efforts to help couples with difficulty bearing children become pregnant. Family planning can be divided into two types: negative family planning (decreased population growth) and positive family planning (increased population growth). In which, mainly family planning is aimed at reducing population growth, contributing to population stabilization, and building a developed society.

2. Benefits of family planning

Family planning helps protect women's health, makes them more active in pregnancy, significantly reduces abortions and abortions that can adversely affect their health and well-being. In addition, family planning also helps women prevent sexually transmitted diseases, dangerous diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

Kế hoạch hóa gia đình giúp phòng tránh các bệnh lây nhiễm qua đường tình dục
Kế hoạch hóa gia đình giúp phòng tránh các bệnh lây nhiễm qua đường tình dục
Family planning helps to ensure the quality of family life. Children born not according to their parents' wishes will create psychological pressure for both. Every child born should be properly nourished so that he or she can develop to the full. If the family does not have adequate conditions to raise the child, it will create pressure to earn money, psychological fatigue, thereby arising unnecessary conflicts, threatening marital happiness.

3. Family planning method

There are many safe family planning methods. Depending on the circumstances, conditions and needs of each family to choose the appropriate method. All are aiming for the common goal of taking the initiative in pregnancy, stabilizing the population, and building a developed society.
3.1 Natural Family Planning Natural Family Planning is a natural way of preventing pregnancy by determining when it is possible to have sex without becoming pregnant. Normally, an egg from a woman's ovary falls out of the uterus and travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes. If the egg does not meet the sperm to fertilize it, it will be ejected from the body through menstruation. The chances of getting pregnant are higher if you have sex near the time of ovulation. The natural way to prevent pregnancy is to rely on determining the date of ovulation to have safe sex.
There are 2 ways to predict ovulation. The first method is to check the cervical mucus. Around the time of ovulation, the cervix secretes a lot of mucus. The distinguishing feature is the mucus like egg white, transparent color and slightly chewy. If you see this mucus, you should not have sex because the possibility of fertilization is very high.
The method of guessing the 2nd day of ovulation is based on basal body temperature. During the days of ovulation, a woman's body temperature will increase by about 0.5 degrees Celsius above normal. The temperature can be measured daily and tabulated to see the most obvious change.
3.2. Condom method of contraception The condom method of contraception is very popular, used by most couples. Condoms will help retain sperm, prevent sperm from coming out and finding the egg to fertilize. The condom's ability to prevent pregnancy is up to 99.98%, helping couples feel secure and proactive with their birth plans.
Condom contraception is very convenient, does not affect the health of both husband and wife. Moreover, condoms also help prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

Sử dụng bao cao su là phương pháp tránh thai hiệu quả
Sử dụng bao cao su là phương pháp tránh thai hiệu quả
3.3. Using birth control pills Birth control pills help prevent the egg and sperm from meeting. There are 2 types of birth control pills, including: the emergency contraceptive pill and the daily pill. In particular, the daily contraceptive pill is considered safer for health.
3.4. Avoiding the rod with an IUD Intrauterine contraception is also known as an IUD. The uterine ring will prevent the zygote from forming a nest, preventing conception from taking place. The advantage of this method is that it does not affect the couple's sex life, does not cause pain. However, after the ring is placed, women need to pay more attention to hygiene, otherwise, they may get infections or some sexually transmitted diseases.

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