What is Calendula? Uses of calendula for health and beauty

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Calendula is a species of flower native to the Mediterranean in the family Asteraceae. Calendula flowers have been proven to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, pain-relieving effects,... So must using calendula flowers bring high efficiency in disease treatment?

1. What is Calendula?

Calendula also known as pot marigold is a plant in the family Asteraceae. This flower is native to the Mediterranean region of Europe but now we can find it all over the world. The calendula plant features bright petals, usually yellow or orange, about 30 to 60 centimeters tall. In addition, Calendula is also known as a spice in cuisine and has many medicinal and beauty uses.
Calendula flower is widely used as a medicinal plant with antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to using the whole petal, the calendula flower can also be ground into a powder or made into oils, creams, and ointments. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved this flower to be used as a spice and as an ingredient in cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, body lotions, and open wound treatments. or closed.

Hoa calendula có rất nhiều công dụng trong y tế và làm đẹp
Hoa calendula có rất nhiều công dụng trong y tế và làm đẹp

2. Uses and effectiveness of calendula

Calendula has many uses for health and beauty. However, the evidence on the effects of this flower is still incomplete. Going forward, there is still more research to be done to evaluate the effectiveness of these uses. Some of the uses for calendula flowers include:
Anal fissures or anal fissures Early research shows that applying calendula to the affected area reduces pain in people with anal oozing when unresponsive. with washout treatment with sitz and nifedipine.
Bacterial overgrowth in the vagina Early research shows that applying a vaginal cream containing calendula might help improve burning, odor, and pain in women with bacterial vaginitis .
Diabetic foot ulcers Early research shows that using calendula spray in addition to standard care and hygiene can prevent infection and reduce odor in people with long-standing diabetic foot ulcers .
Diaper rash Some studies show that applying calendula ointment to the skin for 10 days improves diaper rash compared to aloe vera gel. However, other early research suggests that applying calendula cream does not improve diaper rash as effectively as bentonite solution.
Peeling lips (exfoliative cheilitis) Early research on calendula shows that using an ointment containing this flower ingredient for 15 days might help stop peeling lips.
Gingivitis Gargling with calendula tincture for 6 months can reduce plaque, gingivitis, and bleeding gums by 10 to 18 percent compared with using mouthwash. However, another study found that rinsing with a mouthwash containing a combination of calendula, rosemary, and ginger for two weeks reduced plaque, gingivitis, and bleeding compared with a placebo mouthwash.

Cồn thuốc calendula có tác dụng làm giảm viêm nướu
Cồn thuốc calendula có tác dụng làm giảm viêm nướu

Insecticide Applying calendula essential oil to the skin is not as effective at repelling mosquitoes as DEET.
Plaque on the gums (oral leukoplakia) Tobacco use causes white patches to develop inside the mouth. Early research shows that applying calendula gel inside the mouth might reduce the size of these plaques.
Mouth ulcers (inflammation of the lining of the mouth) Some cancer drugs cause painful sores to form inside the mouth. Using a mouthwash containing calendula and other ingredients does not seem to prevent mouth sores in people being treated with cancer drugs.
Ear infections (otitis media) Early research shows that applying a product containing mullein, garlic, calendula to the ear for 3 days helps relieve ear pain in children and adolescents with ear infections.
Pressure ulcers Early research suggests that using calendula might improve the healing of persistent pressure sores. Applying a homeopathic powder (RGN107) containing calendula and arnica may also reduce the pain and odor of pressure sores in the intensive care unit.
Swollen prostate and pelvic pain Using a rectal suppository (anal suppository) containing turmeric and calendula daily for about a month will relieve pain and may improve urination.

Thuốc nhét hậu môn có chứa calendula có tác dụng giảm đau vùng chậu
Thuốc nhét hậu môn có chứa calendula có tác dụng giảm đau vùng chậu

Radiation dermatitis (radiation dermatitis) Early research shows that applying calendula ointment can reduce radiation dermatitis in people receiving radiation therapy for breast cancer. However, there is also early research that suggests using calendula cream as petroleum jelly to reduce radiation dermatitis.
Thinness of the vaginal wall (vaginal atrophy) Research using calendula flower has shown that applying a gel containing calendula, lactobacillus, sporogenes, isoflavones and lactic acid to the vagina for about 4 weeks will reduce symptoms. Vaginal atrophy such as: vaginal itching, burning, dryness and pain during intercourse.
Vaginal yeast infections Early research shows that applying calendula cream inside the vagina for about 7 days does not treat yeast infections as effectively as using clotrimazole cream.
Foot ulcers Some early research on applying calendula ointment to the skin found that it might speed the healing of leg ulcers caused by poor circulation.
Wound healing Applying calendula ointment to the perineal wound for 5 days after giving birth will work to reduce redness, bruising, swelling, and discharge. Calendula ointment may also improve these symptoms better than betadine solution.
In addition, calendula is also effective for a number of diseases such as cancer, fever, hemorrhoids, muscle spasms, nosebleeds, promoting menstruation, treating sore mouth and throat. However, more research and clinical trials are still needed to better explain the use and useful effects of this flower.

Hoa calendula có tác dụng trong điều trị chảy máu cam
Hoa calendula có tác dụng trong điều trị chảy máu cam

3. The effects and safety of calendula

Calendula flower preparations are quite safe for most people when taken by mouth or applied to the skin. However, with some special cases, it is necessary to study carefully and consult experts when using it, such as:
Pregnant and lactating women: Calendula should not be taken orally, because it can be unsafe and can become a factor in miscarriage. Currently, there is not enough reliable information about the safety of using calendula if you are breast-feeding. Allergy to ambrozi grass and related plants: Calendula may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family. Their members include ambrozi grass, chrysanthemums, marigolds... Therefore, if you have allergies, be sure to check the ingredients before using products containing calendula. Surgery: Calendula can cause drowsiness if combined with medications used during and after surgery. Therefore, calendula should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Phụ nữ mang thai không nên sử dụng calendula bằng đường uống
Phụ nữ mang thai không nên sử dụng calendula bằng đường uống

4. Dosage

The appropriate dose of calendula depends on factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time, there is not enough science to determine the exact range of appropriate doses. So keep in mind that natural products may not be completely safe and dosage is important. Please consult a specialist or pharmacist or doctor before using this ingredient.
If there is a need for consultation and examination at the Hospitals of the National Health System, please book an appointment on the website to be served.
References: webmd.com, allgoodproducts.com

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