What do your nails say about your health?

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Nails reveal many problems related to human health. When the nails have unusual manifestations, special attention should be paid. Awareness of nail health can give you an early warning of a serious problem that needs your body's attention.

1. Unusual manifestations of nails

It's hard to believe, but nails can reveal a lot more than people usually think about it. Studies have shown that there are many health problems occurring in the human body that affect the nails as well. During the development of medicine from time immemorial, famous doctors have examined nails to diagnose diseases in the body. When healthy, the nails are light pink, the semicircle near the base of the nail is white, the surface is smooth, without burrs, grooves or unusual color changes.
Awareness of unusual nail manifestations is important. It can be an early warning of health problems occurring in the body, even in many cases the change of nails also helps save a person's life between life and death.

Dù khó tin nhưng móng tay có thể tiết lộ nhiều thứ hơn mọi người thường nghĩ về nó
Dù khó tin nhưng móng tay có thể tiết lộ nhiều thứ hơn mọi người thường nghĩ về nó

2. Diagnose disease through nails

There are many unusual manifestations of nails that are warning signs of the health condition of the body parts. Here are some diagnoses related to the condition of the nails:
Pale fingernails: Pale fingernails and toenails are a common sign of the aging process. In a survey of people over 60 years old, nearly three-quarters of people had pale and dull fingernails or toenails. However, it can also be a sign of other serious health problems. White nails: There are many reasons for partially or completely white nails, including trauma. In the case of nails suddenly turning an unusual white color, it is a sign of some serious health problem related to changes in the veins underneath the nail. It can be a symptom of some serious disease such as: cirrhosis of the liver, chronic kidney failure, heart failure... However, white nails can also be a sign of aging or a genetic feature. transmission rather than some serious sign of health. Yellow Nails: Nails can turn yellow for a variety of reasons. The most common cause is toenail fungus, followed by excessive smoking. However, yellow nails can also be a sign of psoriasis, thyroid problems or diabetes. Rarely, yellow nail syndrome has also been seen in patients with pneumonia and lymphedema. However, not all people with this disease experience yellow nails.

Móng tay vàng chủ yếu là tình trạng nấm móng
Móng tay vàng chủ yếu là tình trạng nấm móng

Blue nails: There are many reasons leading to this condition, usually due to lack of pigment or damaged skin under the nail in the following cases: Silver poisoning: This condition occurs in people often Exposure to silver without wearing protective gloves causes the skin under the nail to lose its pigment.
Medication use: Some medications can cause the skin under the nails to turn blue, such as antimalarials, antipsychotics, and some medications used to regulate heart rate. Sometimes blue nails are also the result of rosacea medications
Occupational factors: Oxalic acid, metal cleaners, paint removers, the ink and dye industries can also cause nails of those the worker turns green
HIV/AIDS infection : People with HIV can get blue nail syndrome in 2 ways. In the first place, infection is what causes this difference. Second, some antiretroviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS can also cause a person's nails to turn blue. Wavy nails: This is a typical sign of psoriasis or an inflammatory skin condition, which can be atopic dermatitis, irritant dermatitis or contact dermatitis on the tips of the fingers. Split or cracked nails: This condition is common in the elderly. The causes leading to split, cracked nails have not been specifically understood. Sometimes split, cracked nails can be seen in people who are malnourished or lack energy for a long time or even in people who are taking certain medications to treat other diseases. Nails can crack horizontally, science calls this phenomenon onychoschizia or vertically with the name onychorrhexis. The treatment of split nails is very difficult and complicated. However, we can completely prevent this condition by supplementing with vitamins, especially biotin, amino acids and some minerals such as copper, iron or zinc.... An infection of the skin around the nail due to bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Periungual dermatitis can be acute or chronic causing chemical irritation to the nails. The cause of this condition is due to frequent soaking of hands in dishwashing liquid, bowls or chemicals to handle food without protective gloves. Besides, people with diabetes or people who are being treated for HIV/AIDS can also experience this problem. The best prevention method for periungual dermatitis is to limit exposure to the above risk factors or, in cases where it is imperative to wear gloves to avoid direct contact. In cases where inflammation has occurred, dermatologists recommend steroid creams or medications to be used as directed by your doctor. Dark lines underneath the nails: There are a number of reasons why nails appear brown or black streaks extending from the cuticle to the tip of the nail. Usually this is not a sign of a serious health problem but as a precaution in many cases a skin biopsy is required to rule out skin cancer. Nail biting: Science has proven this is a habit to reduce stress encountered in both adults and children. Nail biting can have serious health consequences, including: Helps bacteria and parasites enter the digestive tract, pain and dysfunction of the jaw, fungal nail infections. Nail biting is a bad habit, but getting rid of them is not easy. This requires cooperation from the patient to implement the process of changing and eliminating bad behavior. White spots on nails: This is common and is not usually indicative of a serious health problem. Most cases are caused by a minor injury to the nail and will go away as the nail grows longer. Sometimes, white spots on the nails also appear due to genetics. Drumstick Fingers: In general, this is not a symptom or sign of a serious disease of the body. However, in some cases, they are accompanied by cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. There are no studies that prove that these diseases are related to clubbing. Blue nail syndrome: A common cause of this condition is a bacterial infection when the right hand is constantly in contact with water. Blue nail syndrome can also occur in workers who are in direct contact with plastic during the production of electronic devices without protective gloves.

Hội chứng móng tay xanh rất hay gặp
Hội chứng móng tay xanh rất hay gặp

Nails are part of the structure of the body. Nail changes are sometimes a sign of a serious medical condition going on. Most nail abnormalities will go away with time so try not to ignore the "facts" your nails are trying to give you. If there is discoloration, cracking, nail inflammation, etc., quickly seek medical advice, examination and early detection to limit the risk of contracting dangerous diseases.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
References: webmd.com, onhealth.com

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