What do you know about seasonal depression?

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Depression is a psychological illness that often comes from pressure, loneliness or emotional shock in life. However, seasonal depression is very special, the cause of the disease comes from the change in the amount of light between the seasons.

1. What is seasonal depression?

Seasonal depression is internationally known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD or winter depression). This is a seasonal affective disorder, which usually occurs in the winter and fall, so it is often referred to as winter depression.
People with seasonal depression will show signs of cyclical depression, the condition is severe in the winter and fall, but recovers like a normal person in the spring and summer. The cause was determined to be due to the difference in light between the seasons.

Trầm cảm theo mùa có tên quốc tế là seasonal affective disorder – SAD hoặc winter depression
Trầm cảm theo mùa có tên quốc tế là seasonal affective disorder – SAD hoặc winter depression

2. Subjects susceptible to infection

Anyone can get seasonal depression. Among them, the proportion of women infected with the disease is higher than that of men. Some people have a higher risk of disease such as:
People aged between 15 - 55 years old People with relatives who have suffered from seasonal depression People living in areas with less sunlight and with less exposure to sunlight. changes in lighting levels markedly, suddenly between seasons of the year.

3. Expression

The symptoms of seasonal depression are similar to those of regular depression, so it is easy to confuse them. Symptoms of the disease include:
Fatigue, moodiness, sadness Excitability: irritability, anxiety, restlessness Decreased interest in favorite activities Eat more, especially foods starchy foods such as: rice, bread Rapid weight gain Sleep more People are not alert, always in a lethargic state, dreamy People are slow, sluggish The disease only appears at a fixed time of the year and can cyclicity.

Biểu hiện của bệnh trầm cảm theo mùa có nhiều điểm tương tự như bệnh trầm cảm thông thường nên dễ bị nhầm lẫn
Biểu hiện của bệnh trầm cảm theo mùa có nhiều điểm tương tự như bệnh trầm cảm thông thường nên dễ bị nhầm lẫn

4. How to treat

4.1. The cause of the disease is the change of light between the seasons, so the use of light therapy is an effective method of treating the cause.
The patient will be seated in front of a light device for about 45 minutes/day, once a day. During the lighting period, the patient must often glance at the device for the light to work. The appropriate time to conduct treatment is in the morning, should not be treated in the evening, especially before going to bed because it can cause insomnia, difficulty falling asleep.
To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, the patient should be regularly exposed to the sun in mild sunny times such as early morning or afternoon.
Light therapy should be done under the supervision of a doctor, especially those who are sensitive to light, vulnerable to light treatment.
Seasonal depression can improve after only a few weeks of treatment, but the patient must not stop the treatment on his own unless with the consent of the doctor. Usually a treatment will last until spring or summer, depending on the condition of each patient.
4.2. Using vitamin D Vitamin D effectively supports the treatment process, making the treatment of seasonal depression more effective. Many studies have shown that people who are deficient in vitamin D have an increased risk of seasonal depression.
Patients with seasonal depression should take vitamin D3 supplements continuously for 3 months.
Patients with seasonal depression group 1 use 600 UI vitamin D3/day Seasonal depressed patients group 2 use about 4000 UI vitamin D3/day If you see signs of seasonal depression, take the patient to See a doctor as soon as possible. Psychology Clinic - Vinmec International General Hospital is the leading trusted address for effective examination, consultation and treatment of psychological diseases and mental health.
The clinic owns modern facilities, the world's leading advanced equipment, serving medical examination and treatment methods such as psychotherapy, light therapy, psychological tests... The medical team at the clinic is highly qualified and experienced. Many doctors are professors, leading experts at Hanoi Medical University and major hospitals across the country, bringing outstanding treatment results. Location at Vinmec Times City:
Room 4063, 4th floor, General Internal Medicine Department
Clinic working schedule from 8:00am - 12:00pm, afternoon 13:00-17h00
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