What do 9-month-old children eat to increase height?

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Caring for children in the first year of life is a lot of parents' attention. Because at this stage, children's development changes most clearly, especially height. Parents will need to learn about the care plan to help the child develop to the maximum height. Children's diet is also considered an important factor in helping children grow up. This article will help parents learn about foods that can help children grow taller.

1. Characteristics of the height growth process in 9-month-old children

When referring to the height of children at the early stages of life, including those 9 months old, genetic factors, growth hormone levels are considered as important factors determining the height of children. . However, a reasonable diet with sufficient quantity and quality of nutrients helps children develop more comprehensively, including their height.
Children's growth often changes sharply in the early years and will slow down after the first 5 years of life, and height will increase with certain periods. As children become adolescents, their height increases rapidly: for girls, the growth rate is strong between the ages of 8 and 13, and for boys, the growth rate will be higher than that of children. little girl and also between 10 and 15 years old.
According to experts, a person's height will depend on many factors including nutrition, exercise, genetics or other issues such as disease, environment. life...
In order to ensure that children achieve the appropriate height and weight, parents need to understand the child's height development, and at the same time guide them to have healthy living habits in each stage. child development. Parents can use the standards of the World Health Organization to know how tall a 9-month-old child is and from there have a specific care plan for the child.

2. The foods used in the diet help children grow taller.

Nutrition has a great influence on height growth and is also considered a factor that we can intervene to improve. Therefore, to solve the question, what should a 9-month-old child eat to increase height, parents can learn some of the foods presented in this article.
2.1. Milk and products made from milk help children grow taller Milk is classified as a functional food to help children increase height in the most effective way. The nutritional composition of milk is rich in calcium, which promotes bone growth and helps bones become stronger. Moreover, in the composition of milk, there are other nutrients that are beneficial to health such as vitamin A, which helps the child's body absorb calcium better. Not only that, milk also provides a good amount of protein to help children grow cells in the body. Therefore, children should be supplemented with milk according to the recommended needs.
Foods made from milk such as cheese, yogurt, ... have rich sources of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, protein, calcium to help children develop good height.
2.2. Fresh fruits and vegetables help children grow taller Using a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables also plays an important role in the growth of children, especially in height. These foods include papaya, carrots, broccoli, spinach ... have quite a rich nutritional composition rich in fiber, potassium, folate, especially vitamin A, which will help with growth. development of both bones and tissues in the child's body. In addition, these foods also contain a significant amount of vitamin C to help children stay healthy and develop. If parents want their children to develop comprehensively and have good health, they should regularly let children use fruits and vegetables in their children's meals.
2.3. Cereals belong to the group of foods that are ideal for increasing height for children. Diet related to the height of a 9-month-old baby can include cereals. Cereal is known as the ideal food with abundant energy source along with rich content of nutrients including fiber, vitamins, iron, magnesium, selenium... In addition, cereals also provide valuable nutrients. List a calorie count that plays an important role in a child's physical development. Typical grains include brown rice, pasta, whole wheat...

Một số loại ngũ cốc có thể giúp trẻ 9 tháng phát triển chiều cao
Một số loại ngũ cốc có thể giúp trẻ 9 tháng phát triển chiều cao

2.4. Oatmeal helps develop children's height Oatmeal can be combined with many other foods to increase appetite and also help children be given energy to increase height effectively. Oats are nutritionally rich in protein and low in fat. Protein in oats has the ability to stimulate the growth of children's height.
2.5. Chicken in the diet to increase height for children Chicken has a rich protein content that helps children increase height effectively and makes bones more supple. Chicken can also be processed into many foods to increase the child's taste.
2.6. Eggs are considered a food to help children grow taller. Protein in eggs has high biological value, not only that this ingredient is easily absorbed, and contains many essential amino acids to support muscle growth. Corn, enzymes as well as nutrients play an important role in helping children's height growth be effective.
According to the analysis of experts, in 100 grams of chicken eggs contains about 10.8 grams of protein and an average large egg will have about 2.7 grams of protein from the yolk and 3.6 grams of protein from the white. Moreover, eggs also belong to the group of foods that provide many beneficial fats, vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of children such as zinc, iron, vitamin A.
2.7. Soybeans have a role in the development of children's height. Beans are among the most protein-rich foods and also play a role in helping children develop good height. Soybeans provide plant-based nutrients that function well in bone development in children.
2.8. Beef in the diet helps to increase height for children In beef, the nutritional composition is quite rich, including protein, which plays an important role in height development in children. However, too much beef may be linked to cholesterol levels.
2.9. Fish in children's diet helps to increase height One of the selected foods that play a good role in increasing children's height cannot fail to mention fish. Especially sea fish such as salmon and tuna have nutritional ingredients rich in vitamin D and protein. Children using fish will help increase height significantly.

Trẻ 9 tháng ăn cá giúp bổ sung lượng lớn viatmin D cần thiết cho cơ thể
Trẻ 9 tháng ăn cá giúp bổ sung lượng lớn viatmin D cần thiết cho cơ thể

3. Some ways can help increase height significantly

In addition to nutrition, a child's height also depends on factors such as physical activity, health status... Therefore, besides choosing foods to help children grow taller well then a couple of other things need to be done:
3.1. Sleep properly and enough Children should get enough sleep and deep sleep to help the body carry out the growth hormone secretion process to facilitate the child's height development. When children sleep deeply and with enough time, the pituitary gland can secrete growth hormone that affects the growth of children's height.
3.2. Supplementing with micronutrients To ensure adequate micronutrient content for children, parents can add minerals and vitamins such as calcium, vitamin A, iron... These micronutrients In addition, 9-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
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