What diseases do X-rays of pneumonia detect?

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The article is professionally consulted by Dr. Pham Quoc Thanh - Radiologist - Radiology Department - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
And Master, Doctor Tong Diu Huong - Radiologist - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Lesions in the lungs such as pneumonia and other conditions can be identified by chest X-ray. Furthermore, chest X-rays provide images of the heart, blood vessels, airways, and bones and spine. This is a routine test and is very common in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

1. What is a chest X-ray?

A chest X-ray is a test that uses a small amount of radiation that passes through your chest to create pictures of the lung structures and organs in your chest. This is a tool that helps your doctor see the structure and function of your lungs and how well your heart is working. Some heart problems can cause changes in the lungs and vice versa. At the same time, some diseases can cause changes in the structure of the heart or lungs. From there, the doctor can diagnose the disease and provide appropriate treatment.
In general, a chest X-ray can provide information about the following organs:
Heart Lungs Bronchi Aorta Pulmonary artery Mediastinum (mid chest area) Chest bone

Chụp X -quang xác định được nhiều bệnh lý về phổi
Chụp X -quang xác định được nhiều bệnh lý về phổi

2. What diseases do chest X-rays detect?

A chest X-ray is a very common test during a routine physical exam and is also one of the first tests you will undergo if your doctor suspects you have a heart or lung condition. At the same time, an X-ray film may also be used to check how you are responding to treatment.
Therefore, thanks to the chest X-ray film, the doctor will know the problems, including the pathology, inside your body, such as:
The condition of the lungs: detect the tumor (benign) or cancer), an infection such as pneumonia, or an abnormality in the pleural space such as effusion or pneumothorax. X-rays can also show chronic lung conditions, such as emphysema or cystic fibrosis, as well as complications related to these conditions. For example, a pneumonia x-ray shows scattered or localized opacities in the lung parenchyma. Lung problems are related to the heart. A chest X-ray can show changes or problems in your lungs that stem from heart problems. For example, the presence of fluid in the alveoli due to pulmonary edema may be a consequence of congestive heart failure. Heart size and shape: Changes in the size and shape of the heart may suggest heart failure, fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion), or heart valve problems. Blood vessel. Large blood vessels near the heart such as the aorta, pulmonary artery, and veins can be seen on radiographs. The doctor can detect aortic aneurysms, pulmonary hypertension, or congenital heart disease. Calcium deposition. A chest X-ray can reveal the presence of calcium in the heart or blood vessels that are abnormal or a sign of deterioration over time. The presence of calcified plaques may be evidence of damage to the heart valves, coronary arteries, myocardium, or the membranes surrounding the heart. Besides, calcium spots in the lungs are usually caused by a previous old infection. Fracture. Rib or spine fractures as well as related bones and bony pathologies can be seen on a chest x-ray. Post-procedure and surgical check-ups. X-rays are useful to monitor and evaluate your recovery after undergoing surgery on the chest, such as on the heart, lungs, or esophagus. In addition, the doctor also needs a chest X-ray to evaluate the position of the tubes after the procedure is placed in the body such as endotracheal tubes, pericardial drainage tubes, pleura... Pacemakers, defibrillator. Pacemakers and defibrillators have leads inserted under the skin and into the heart to ensure normal rhythm and conduction. At this time, chest X-ray is often ordered after placing such medical devices to make sure everything is in place as well as a routine check after a certain period of use.

3. How to take a chest X-ray?

Before taking a chest X-ray, a radiologist or technician will explain the necessary procedure to you. At this point, you can ask any questions regarding the procedure.
In general, the steps to take a chest X-ray are quite simple and do not require special preparation. Details of these steps are as follows:
You are explained and signed a consent form to allow chest X-ray. Please read carefully and ask questions if something is unclear. You usually do not need to fast or drink before your chest X-ray. You will also not need to use sedatives to help you relax and reduce anxiety because the process is very quick and painless. Wear loose-fitting clothing that you can easily take off and change into a specialized gown. Remove all jewelry and personal tools (located in the neck and chest area) before entering the shooting room such as glasses, mobile phones, keys, pens, etc. Perform the pose according to the instructions of the photographer. technicians. Usually you'll need to stand up straight, with your back or hips, and press your chest against the x-ray. When the posture is ready, you need to hold the position and take slow, deep breaths. The technician will press the shutter command when he or she observes that you are exhaling as hard as you can or you will need to hold your breath on command. After your chest X-ray, you don't need any special care and can go home. Film results will be sent to you later.

Hình ảnh máy chụp X-quang tại bệnh viện Vinmec
Hình ảnh máy chụp X-quang tại bệnh viện Vinmec

4. What are the risks of having a chest X-ray?

You can directly ask the radiologist or radiologist about the amount of radiation used during the scan. However, you need to remember, the amount of radiation used for one scan is very low. Although they are also a risk factor for radiation exposure, this possibility is always kept to a minimum.
At the same time, the risk of chest X-ray compared with the value of this test is not significant. In particular, in pneumonia, early imaging will help doctors quickly figure out how, choose the right antibiotic, and control the infection well.
However, if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, exposure to radiation during pregnancy can lead to birth defects in your unborn baby. Therefore, you need to let your doctor know this as soon as a chest X-ray is indicated.
In short, chest X-rays show problems or diseases in organs in the chest such as pneumonia or heart failure. This is an important technique, first in imaging diagnostics to accurately assess lung lesions. By detecting early signs of damage through chest X-ray, combined with clinical symptoms, doctors will offer appropriate treatment methods and monitor patients.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital provides chest X-ray services with modern and advanced equipment, providing clear, accurate and fast imaging results. The snapshot time is only about 5-7 minutes and the patient will receive the results after 15-30 minutes. The hospital, which has a modern X-ray machine system, brings outstanding advantages and owns an examination room that meets the standards of the Ministry of Health and the PACS system. All examination procedures are performed by a team of professional, experienced, and well qualified technicians. The medical team has the heart to help diagnose and read the most accurate results.
To register for an X-ray at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register for an online examination HERE.
References: reference.medscape.com, radiologyassistant.nl, internationaldayofradiology.com, hopkinsmedicine.org, thebreastmilkbaby.com
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