What causes postpartum depression?

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Until now, many people still do not know what postpartum depression is and are indifferent to this disease. In fact, this is a very easy disease in postpartum women, if not detected and treated, timely intervention can have extremely unfortunate consequences.

Postpartum depression is a disease that can greatly affect the psychology and health of the patient, expressing a condition related to thinking and feeling tired, bored, anxious, and hopeless. born. Postpartum depression can be mild, moderate, or severe, and can be transient or persistent.
The symptoms of postpartum depression are often easily overlooked due to subjective psychology, disregard, until an unfortunate event occurs, people are more concerned about this disease.
Up until now, it is still not possible to conclude the cause of postpartum depression in women because this is a psychological sign, in each patient there will be different causes of postpartum depression, some people have, someone doesn't. However, based on the general manifestations, postpartum depression can be caused by the following causes:
Due to changes in hormone levels in the body; Due to female endocrine disorders; Postpartum depression can be caused by sudden hormonal changes; Objective factors in life; Genetic factors, disease history. Almost 90% of patients with postpartum depression have common symptoms of insomnia, headaches, and thoughts of abandonment and suicide. Therefore, caring for women after giving birth, paying attention to their own psychological health is the best way to help detect symptoms early to get timely intervention. Currently, many people still underestimate postpartum depression, only when they really experience it do they understand how this disease has a terrible impact on health and life.
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