What are the uses of Hatrenol?

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Hatrenol belongs to the class of drugs used to treat migraines. To limit unwanted effects that may occur after taking the drug, please refer to the article below to improve your understanding.

1. What is Hatrenol?

Hatrenol is a product directly manufactured by Pulse Pharmaceuticals India, and Van Lam Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company is the registrant. Medications to help treat migraine headaches.
Hatrenol medicine has the main ingredients including Flunarizine dihydrochloride with the content of 5mg and other excipients. Hatrenol is prepared in the form of tablets, boxed in 10 blisters, each blister of 10 tablets.
Storage conditions of the drug Hatrenol are room temperature, below 30 degrees Celsius, do not store frozen, do not let direct sunlight shine on the medicine.

2. Uses of the drug Hatrenol

Each drug is made to help treat a specific disease or symptom of a disease or condition. Hatrenol is used to help prevent cellular calcium overload, by reducing excessive calcium influx across cell membranes. Therefore, the drug Hatrenol is indicated for the following subjects:
Support for the prevention of migraine headaches. Vestibular disorders: Dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus. Decreased oxygenation of brain cells. Cerebral circulatory insufficiency. Arousal disorder. People who lack concentration. Memory disorders, memory impairment. Cases of agitation and sleep disturbances. Muscle contraction when walking or lying down.

3. Contraindications of the drug Hatrenol

Patients who are allergic or sensitive to the ingredients contained in the drug Hatrenol. In case the patient has a history of depression, hatrenol is not indicated. History of Parkinson's disease, extrapyramidal disease, movement disorders. Patient is taking beta blockers.

4. How to use - dose of the drug Hatrenol

Patients need to know how to use the drug and the dose when using Hatrenol to achieve the desired effect and limit side effects.

4.1. How to take Hatrenol

Hatrenol is in tablet form and should be taken orally with a full glass of water. Absolutely do not take Hatrenol with filtered water in the refrigerator or fruit juice, smoothies, tea, beer, coffee, ... will reduce or lose the effect of the drug. The drug should be taken after a full meal and in the evening.

4.2. Dosage of Hatrenol

Initial dose: Take 10mg / time / day, in the evening. Maintenance dose: Take 5mg/time/day, after meals. Dosage for patients over 65 years old: Take 5mg/time/day.

5. Treatment of missed dose - Hatrenol overdose

5.1. In case of missed dose of Hatrenol

Similar to other drugs, when a dose of Hatrenol is forgotten, the patient takes it as soon as he remembers. If the missed dose is close to the next dose, skip the missed dose of Hatrenol to take the next dose, but do not double the dose to make up for the missed dose.

5.2. Hatrenol overdose case

Some symptoms that may be encountered when an overdose of Hatrenol are sleep disturbances, neurasthenia, digestive disorders, tachycardia, agitation,...
When overdose, the patient stops taking the drug. , notify the doctor/pharmacist for treatment or ask a relative to take him to a medical facility for emergency. When hatrenol overdose does not have a specific antidote, so within 1 hour after taking the overdose, the patient should be immediately gastric lavage, and the doctor will monitor and manage other dangerous complications. if.

6. Side effects of the drug Hatrenol

Side effects of the drug Hatrenol are related to the dose and duration of treatment. Similar to other drugs, using hatrenol makes patients face the risk of experiencing side effects such as: dizziness, dizziness, if used for a long time, patients may become depressed.

7. Interactions of the drug Hatrenol

In order to use Hatrenol to be most effective, patients need to share the prescription or over-the-counter medications they are taking with their doctor to avoid drug interactions. Pay attention to interactions with other drugs such as: tranquilizers, antiepileptic drugs, antidepressants, birth control pills.

8. Notes when using the drug Hatrenol

The effect of Hatrenol is highly effective when the patient strictly adheres to the indications and dosage, how to use it and should note the following:
Use caution when used in elderly patients, patients with low blood pressure. Use caution when administering hatrenol to patients with severe renal impairment. Hatrenol should not be used during pregnancy. The article has provided useful information about Hatrenol medicine's uses, usage and dosage. Because Hatrenol is a prescription drug, patients should not use it on their own, but need to contact a doctor/pharmacist directly for appropriate indications and ensure safety for health.
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