What are the symptoms of intermittent angina?

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Hello doctor. My husband suddenly had angina on his right side, starting last night. Angina does not appear continuously, strong movements or sneezes are painful. Doctor, can you tell me what the symptoms are? What should be done? I hope you can advise me, thank you doctor.
Thao Nguyen
Hello doctor. May I ask why my chest hurts when I sneeze? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hi, You have not described any medical history you have before? In the letter, you did not specify how old your husband is, what medical history he has, whether he smokes or not, has respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, fever .. ..?
Your husband has chest pain on the right side, pain increases when moving or sneezing, it is possible that this pain is caused by the chest wall, pleura or lung, you need to take him to a respiratory specialist to have more accurate diagnosis.
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Cardiologist and Interventional Cardiologist - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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