What are the side effects of Zapnex 10?

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Zapnex 10 is a psychotropic drug belonging to the group of atypical antipsychotics. It is used for new-onset disease or for long-term treatment. In order for the use process to achieve the expected results, the patient needs to understand the requirements of the drug Zapnex 10.

1. What is zapnex 10?

Zapnex 10 is a drug that works in the brain to treat schizophrenia. The drug is also known as a second-generation antipsychotic (SGA) or atypical antipsychotic. Zapnex 10 rebalances dopamine and serotonin to improve thinking, mood and behavior.
Ingredients of the drug: Olanzapine 10mg Dosage form: film-coated tablets

2. Uses of the drug Zapnex 10

Zapnex 10 is a psychoactive drug used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that causes hallucinations, distorted thinking, loss of interest in life, and intense or inappropriate emotions. Zapnex 10 is also used to treat bipolar disorder, a mental disorder characterized by prolonged alternating periods of mania and depression. The drug is usually prescribed to people 13 years of age and older. The drug works by bringing about changes in brain activity.

3. Dosage and usage of the drug Zapnex 10

3.1. Schizophrenia in adults Initially 5-10 mg daily 3.2. Schizophrenia in Children Under 13 years: Safety and efficacy have not been established 13-17 years: 2.5-5 mg daily orally initially Target dose, 10 mg daily Adjust up or down 2.5-5 mg; Dosage range, 2.5-20 mg per day 3.3. Mania The starting dose for a manic person is 15mg/day. 3.4. Depression Dosage is 5mg/day. Can be adjusted from 5-12.5mg but maximum is 18mg/day.

4. Side effects of the drug Zapnex 10

When taking the drug, the patient may face a few side effects such as: low blood pressure, drowsiness, extrapyramidal symptoms, restlessness, dizziness, headache, fatigue, insomnia, increased prolactin, increased prolactin. Weight loss, increased appetite, dry mouth, indigestion....
Besides, there are also a few patients experiencing rarer side effects such as: increased blood levels, decreased sex drive. , osteoporosis... With these abnormal manifestations, the best solution for the patient should be to discuss directly with the prescribing doctor for appropriate indications.

5. What drugs may interact with Zapnex 10?

Zapnex 10 may block the effects of medicines used to treat Parkinson's disease such as carbidopa, bromocriptine, pramipexole, ropinirole and others. Zapnex 10 can also lower a user's blood pressure.
Sedatives, such as lorazepam and diazepam, may increase the risk of dizziness or drowsiness when used in combination with Zapnex 10. This risk is increased when these drugs are given as injections.
In addition to the important information on the patient can consult with the doctor about the issues to be concerned with when taking Zapnex 10. Any drug gives the best therapeutic effect when used in the full dose. quantity, right audience and original purpose.

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