What are the possible post-hysterectomy symptoms?

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The uterus is the organ that nests and nourishes the developing fetus, so it is an important organ for a woman. However, some dangerous diseases make the patient mandatory to have hysterectomy surgery, which leads to some bad effects on the patient's health. Let's learn about the possible symptoms after hysterectomy through the article below.

1. Hysterectomy overview “What's wrong with hysterectomy and by what methods is the surgery performed?”. Accordingly, in a hysterectomy, the uterus and some related parts will be removed partially or completely, depending on the disease condition and indications of the treating doctor. Specifically, there are 3 main types of hysterectomy as follows:
Total hysterectomy: Surgery to remove the entire uterus, including the cervix; Partial hysterectomy: Surgery to remove the uterus, keeping the cervix; Hysterectomy: Surgery to remove the uterus, cervix, and surrounding supporting tissues. This type of surgery is often performed on people with cancer. In addition, one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes may be removed during a hysterectomy. Along with the development of medicine, there are now many methods of hysterectomy as follows:
Vaginal hysterectomy: For this surgical method, the doctor will proceed to insert the cutting instrument. uterus through the vagina. Because there is a direct opening between the vagina and uterus, this surgical method does not leave scars, but not all patients can perform it. In addition, a small disadvantage is that the hysterectomy is performed through the vagina, but laparoscopic instruments are used to cut through the abdominal wall, causing many inconveniences for doctors and patients;

Chấm dứt chu kỳ kinh nguyệt là triệu chứng sau cắt tử cung
Chấm dứt chu kỳ kinh nguyệt là triệu chứng sau cắt tử cung

Laparoscopy through the abdominal wall: The method is most commonly applied today because of many advantages such as short surgery time, less pain and less invasiveness. During surgery, the doctor will use a small camera and special surgical instruments into the uterine area by making a small incision in the abdomen. From the camera image, the doctor will cut and take the uterus out; Hysterectomy through open incision: This is a traditional surgical method, the doctor conducts open surgery directly by making a horizontal incision in the lower abdomen. From here, the doctor can intervene to remove and bring the uterus out, stitching the incision. Hysterectomy surgery requires a good health condition of the patient, because the surgery is painful for the patient and the recovery time is longer; Robotic hysterectomy: This is a new surgical method, similar to laparoscopic surgery, the robot is inserted into the uterine area, the doctor controls the robot to perform the hysterectomy. In Vietnam, although this method is not popular, it is useful in difficult cases requiring precise surgical technique.
2. Indications for hysterectomy Surgery Hysterectomy causes many bad effects on the health of the patient. Women after hysterectomy are no longer able to bear children, affecting their health and psychology. Therefore, hysterectomy should be considered, in which a number of dangerous diseases need to be considered to perform hysterectomy as follows:
Obstetric complications: Obstetric complications may occur as follows: at birth with the same comb teeth, uterine atony, prolapse of the placenta... may require hysterectomy, because complications causing intra-abdominal bleeding can threaten the mother's life; Genital prolapse: A condition in which the uterus is prolapsed near the vagina instead of fixed in its normal position, thereby leading to difficulty in reproduction; Uterine fibroids: A common disease caused by abnormal cell proliferation. In case the tumor is too large, it compresses the internal organs of the abdomen, leading to bleeding, loss of fertility and inflammation. Therefore, hysterectomy is performed with the aim of completely removing the tumor, preventing the risk of turning into cancer; Endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain conditions: Diseases related to problems with the cervix and uterine muscles cause severe pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. Treatment in this case is necessary, it is important to find the cause of the disease. In cases where it is not necessary to treat the genitals conservatively, hysterectomy is the preferred choice; Endometrial cancer and cervical cancer: Up to now, cancer is still a disease with a high mortality rate, difficult to treat, especially at the stage of metastases via blood and lymph nodes. In cases where cervical cancer, uterine cancer, or precancerous signs are detected that need to be prevented from progressing, hysterectomy is the method to be considered.
3. Symptoms after a hysterectomy Symptoms after a hysterectomy may be as follows:
3.1. Bleeding after a hysterectomy Bleeding after a hysterectomy occurs in most patients who undergo surgery, this phenomenon can last up to 6 weeks. This is also the time when the patient's body is recovering and waiting for the mark to go away.
During this time, vaginal discharge may be brown, red or pink due to mixing with blood. The blood color will fade over time and disappear, depending on the patient's surgery, the degree of bleeding will be different. Besides, bleeding after uterine surgery is considered abnormal when the amount of bleeding is as heavy as menstruation, lasts more than 6 weeks... This condition can be a sign of complications after surgery. such as vaginal tearing, bleeding.
3.2. Psychological changes The patient's anxiety before and after surgery is inevitable, so the patient should discuss more with the treating doctor to get answers about this situation.

Tăng cân đột ngột là triệu chứng sau cắt tử cung
Tăng cân đột ngột là triệu chứng sau cắt tử cung

3.3. Termination of menstrual cycle When the uterus is removed, the lining of the uterus is not periodically shed, so menstruation does not occur.
3.4. End menopause symptoms After hysterectomy, the patient will stop the symptoms of menopause such as insomnia, body fatigue, sudden hormonal decline...
3.5. Sudden weight gain Hormonal changes in the body after a hysterectomy combined with other problems lead to sudden weight gain in women.
4. Recovery from a hysterectomy According to the American Agency for Women's Health, patients after a hysterectomy need about 3 to 4 weeks to recover if they have laparoscopic or vaginal surgery. and need about 4-6 weeks if surgery by laparotomy method. In addition, the health status and age of the patient also greatly affect the recovery time.
Patients need to pay attention to some issues after hysterectomy as follows:
Do not carry or lift heavy objects for 6 weeks after surgery; The patient may feel tired for the first 6 weeks; Patients may see blood, clear yin discharge in the first 6-8 weeks; Do not insert anything into the vagina for the first 8 weeks. Patients can do the following things to help improve their recovery, including:
Gentle exercise such as walking; Rest much; Clean and keep the incision clean and dry; Do not wear clothes that are too tight; Check the incision regularly and watch for signs of infection; Do not pour water directly on the incision when bathing; Use medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor. A hysterectomy is a major obstetric surgery and can have many complications. Therefore, when performing a hysterectomy, patients should choose reputable medical facilities with a team of obstetricians and gynecologists to examine and perform, to avoid dangerous complications affecting their health. strong.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of diseases, including Obstetrics and Gynecology. When performing the examination process at Vinmec, customers will be welcomed and used modern facilities and equipment along with perfect medical services under the guidance and advice of experts. Good doctors, well-trained both at home and abroad. Therefore, after a hysterectomy, the patient should perform a physical examination or make an appointment with a Vinmec doctor for a quick check-up and recovery.

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