What are the benefits of drinking olive oil?

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The role of olive oil in human health has been proven and the consumption of olive oil has become popular in the world. There are many ways to use olive oil depending on the preferences and cultures in each region. So, are there any benefits to taking olive oil?

1. The effect of drinking olive oil

Olive oil is a cooking oil that is native to the Mediterranean region. The composition of olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats and is rich in antioxidants that effectively protect the heart. Besides, olive oil also effectively supports in weight loss and pain relief. However, the amount of energy they provide is also very large, so it should be used appropriately. One tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil contains up to 120 calories, 14 grams of fat, so if used indiscriminately, it will lead to the opposite weight loss effect.
In addition to being used in food processing, direct ingestion of olive oil can help with weight loss, relieve pain and protect the cardiovascular system. These should be consulted by a doctor or nutritionist. The effects of taking olive oil can include:
Weight loss: A diet rich in olive oil can be an effective weight loss method. A study published in the Journal of Women's Health in 2010 was conducted on 2 groups of women who lost weight on a high-fat diet and the other group used at least 3 tablespoons of olive oil per day. The results were that 80% of the women in the olive oil group lost at least 5% of their weight while the above figure in the no olive oil group was only 31%. Researchers have come to the conclusion that using olive oil in the daily diet is more effective for weight loss than trying to limit fat intake.

Sử dụng dầu oliu trong chế độ ăn hàng ngày có thể giúp giảm cân
Sử dụng dầu oliu trong chế độ ăn hàng ngày có thể giúp giảm cân

Sometimes olive oil in cooking does not bring the flavor to the dishes like other oils, so supplementing it orally is an effective way to ensure the correct amount of olive oil needed by the body in the day. a day.
Limit the risk of cardiovascular diseases: Olive oil contains a lot of monounsaturated fats, good for the cardiovascular system. Using olive oil instead of saturated fats and trans fats has the ability to fight oxidation - one of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases such as heart valve disease, heart disease. Congenital , arrhythmia , atherosclerosis , aortic aneurysm .. .. Pain relief: According to a report in the British Medical Journal in 2005, Oleocanthal, a compound in extra virgin olive oil has the ability to The ability to inhibit pain sensation is similar to that of other analgesics. 50 grams of olive oil (about 3 tablespoons) is about as effective as a 10% recommended daily dose of Ibuprofen (a pain reliever). Olive oil helps control blood sugar: A 2015 study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that using extra virgin olive oil can help lower blood sugar levels after each meal. Olive oil is also a good source of omega 3 and omega 6 which help prevent gingivitis as well as protect the cardiovascular system

Omega trong dầu oliu giúp bảo vệ hệ tim mạch luôn khỏe mạnh
Omega trong dầu oliu giúp bảo vệ hệ tim mạch luôn khỏe mạnh

2. Note when drinking olive oil

Drinking olive oil is not suitable for all subjects: Using olive oil directly orally can cause some harm to the body. Taking too much olive oil can lead to an excess of vitamin E, which reduces the blood's ability to clot in cases of accidental injury. Olive oil also contains 120 calories of energy per spoon, so if not controlled, it will lead to overweight and obesity.
Olive oil has a rather unpleasant taste if taken directly, so it is often used to add to foods such as fruit smoothies or salads to make it easier to use olive oil than when taken directly.

3. Other uses of olive oil

One of the outstanding properties of olive oil is its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and prevention of a number of chronic diseases. Although commonly used as a cooking oil, there are many studies that have demonstrated the effects of direct ingestion of olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil.
A lot of people in the Mediterranean region drink 1⁄4 cups (about 60ml) of olive oil every morning. This is considered a way to help them prevent diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases and infections. Many people believe that drinking olive oil can help detoxify the body, support weight loss, even they claim to drink olive oil better than using them to process food.

Nhiều người cho rằng uống dầu oliu tốt hơn việc dùng chúng để chế biến thực phẩm
Nhiều người cho rằng uống dầu oliu tốt hơn việc dùng chúng để chế biến thực phẩm

Here are a few of the reasons we should drink olive oil:
Olive oil provides a variety of essential monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial to the body, especially oleic acid. Take olive oil to help improve constipation: Olive oil contains a stool softener that helps relieve constipation Helps stabilize blood sugar : A study of 25 healthy adults The study showed that blood sugar levels were reduced by 22% 2 hours after they ate a meal containing olive oil compared with the group that did not consume olive oil. Skeletal System Support: A study in 523 women found that consuming at least 18 grams (20ml) of olive oil per day could significantly increase bone density compared to those who used no or little. more oil per day. Pain relief: Certain substances in olive oil, such as oleocanthal, have similar effects to other pain relievers. Olive oil has been proven effective when used to replace other cooking oils in food processing and everyday cooking. However, many people believe that drinking olive oil directly is even more effective than conventional processing. Drinking from 1 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil every morning can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease ... as well as support the skeletal system. In addition, olive oil has also been shown to be effective in safe weight loss.
Reference source: livestrong.com; healthline.com
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