Warning signs of a toddler's physical retardation

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Development is different for every child, but generally follows a clear schedule. At a certain age, if the baby does not achieve normal development, parents should talk to the doctor and to make sure the baby is developing healthy, you must be aware of any abnormal signs in the child to quick method of adjustment. The following are some warning signs of a child's physical retardation.

1. Children from 12 to 18 months old

Warning signs:
13 months old, difficulty squatting to play 13 months old, difficulty climbing up and down from a small chair 13 months old, unable to grasp food with hands 15 months old, difficulty holding crayons and scribbles spontaneously 15 months old, has trouble getting up when falling on the floor 15 months old, can't climb up a chair to get to things 18 months old, can't wear socks 18 months old, can't hold crayons and imitates scribbles 18 months old, can't kick a ball 18 months old, doesn't show attitudes, emotions to others recognize 18 months old, doesn't know what familiar things are used for 18 months age, does not imitate the actions of others 18 months old, does not learn words as young as 18 months, does not learn at least 6 from 18 months, does not notice or mind when loved ones leave or return

Một số dấu hiệu cảnh báo sự chậm phát triển thể chất của trẻ
Một số dấu hiệu cảnh báo sự chậm phát triển thể chất của trẻ

2. Children from 19 to 24 months old

Warning signs:
21 months old, difficulty walking up or down stairs with handrails 21 months old, unable to kick a big ball 24 months old, unable to hold crayons and imitate drawing a vertical line 24 months old, difficulty trying to stand on one leg 24 months old, unable to kick a large ball on demand 24 months old, unable to use spoon proficiently 24 months old, not running well 24 months old, not using 2-word phrases (eg, “drink milk”) 24 months old, doesn't know what to do with familiar objects like brush, phone, fork, spoon 24 months old, can't follow directions Simple instructions of others.

3. Children from 25 to 30 months old

Warning signs:
30 months can't ride tricycle 30 months old, drooling or speaking very indistinctly 30 months old, not speaking in sentences 30 months old, doesn't understand simple instructions 30 months old, does not want to play with other children or with 30-month-old toys, does not make eye contact.

Dấu hiệu cảnh báo chậm phát triển ở trẻ là 30 tháng không đạp được xe ba bánh
Dấu hiệu cảnh báo chậm phát triển ở trẻ là 30 tháng không đạp được xe ba bánh

4. Children from 31 to 36 months old

Warning signs:
36 months, unable to wash and dry hands 36 months old, not jumping 36 months old, fear when caregivers leave If baby doesn't seem to hit major developmental milestones within a few months weeks compared to the average rate, please consult your doctor and take the child for a physical development assessment. Failure to meet developmental milestones doesn't mean the baby has a problem, but if a baby is growing more slowly than usual, risks need to be diagnosed and treated early.
Besides, parents also need to pay special attention, in order for their children to develop well, they need a safe diet. In addition to the diet, children need to be supplemented with: lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their nutritional needs, support digestion, and strengthen their immune system. the ability to absorb nutrients, help improve anorexia, help children eat well.
Especially in the process of child care, if your child shows signs of delayed physical development, shows signs of delay in speech, or shows signs of autism, you can take your child to the Pediatric Department at Vinmec General Hospital. Here, based on the diagnosis results, the doctor will have a treatment method for each specific case, helping children to develop comprehensively in 7 areas: fine motor, gross motor, language, senses, perception cognitive, emotional, social, and personal development.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests and treat diseases here can be completely assured of the accuracy and highly effective treatment regimens.

Nếu em bé phát triển chậm hơn so với bình thường cần sớm được chẩn đoán và điều trị
Nếu em bé phát triển chậm hơn so với bình thường cần sớm được chẩn đoán và điều trị
Reference source: babycenter
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